Posted - 12/14/2018 : 08:42:30
If it's not one thing, it's something else!!!
I received the following message today:
"Slidewright web page blocked My xfinity internet at home blocked your site this morning. "Blocked this content because its suspicious" I have never had any sight blocked before, even all the fun links from the padded room. I thought I'd shoot you a note and let you know, to see if you can fix something on your end. I don't want you to loose out on any customer/traffic."
Who else is blocking us and why? eCommerce templates, Wordpress, our server, something in our site. The last couple months feels like I've built a house of cards and there are forces way beyond my control messing with my mojo every day!
Throw in the towel. Move to a different store system?
Edited by - tmdaslide on 12/14/2018 08:48:59