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21 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 12/17/2018 :  11:49:40  

Wondering if there's a way to not allow a customer to use multiple discounts at once? I never really thought of this until our customer used multiple discounts in one order and now have lost money selling her the item...

Is there a setting or work around to prevent this in the future?


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 12/17/2018 :  12:33:34  

It wouldn't really be possible to stop multiple discounts in the software but maybe it's more a question of how the discounts are set up that needs to be looked at.


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Starting Member

21 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 12/17/2018 :  12:44:39  
We use the coupon code with % off their purchase but have multiple codes for different advertisement platforms such as Instagram, Facebook product sponsor, Etsy, google, etc...

The problem resides when the customer finds more than one coupon or site-wide sale in this case.

Would love to add this feature to suggestions, maybe a toggle that can be selected to not allow promos to be combined.

In the meantime I deactivated all but one code for now to prevent this from occurring again.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 12/17/2018 :  13:15:25  
One thing to bear in mind is that customers can't enter multiple coupon codes on the same order.


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