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 Problems with WorldPay payment provider callback
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Posted - 01/10/2019 :  16:56:46  
Using the WorldPay payment provider.

This is nearly working but.....(there always is!)

Unfortunately the call back once payment is completed doesn't work.
So the customer is sat there looking at a default WorldPay 'Thank you' page and no way to back to the shop.
Consequently the shop doesn't know if the order has been completed, so no confirmation email messages is sent etc.

The callback is all set up correctly at WorldPay as per your instructions etc. But according to Worldpay tech support the problem is they don't support Server Name Indication (S & I) which is required as part of the certificate used by IONOS (aka 1&1) a major supplier of web services.

Neither of these jokers have a solution to the problem - great!

Our fix (so far) is to tweak the Transaction Completion/Canceled page put up by WorldPay (uploaded resultY.html and resultC.html). This with appropriate wording gives the user an option to click to get back to the shop front.

Can we re-direct to a more appropriate shop page that will trigger the sending of the confirmation email from the shop?


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/11/2019 :  00:19:16  
Hi Brian

I don't think you can get a email triggered by them clicking a link back to your store as the successful payment variables would need to be sent back too. I know it's a bit drastic but have you considered changing hosts?


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Posted - 01/11/2019 :  04:14:34  
Hi Andy

Thanks - replied to your last message but seems to have disappeared - probably pressed wrong button when a coffee was kindly place on my desk!

<I know it's a bit drastic but have you considered changing hosts?>
Would make me feel better! But probably not, as have only just ported the shop to IONOS from own dedicated co-located server. So little appetite to jump through the hoops again!

As mention the 'work around' is working by using the custom 'Thank you' or 'failed' page that you can upload to WorldPay instead of their standard ones.
This gives a chance to redirect customer anywhere we want on to the shop, currently its the default.asp page.

Would it possible to add own custom .asp page with call back to trigger the shop email on a successful transaction, or on a fail.
i.e. to simulate what WorldPay should be doing?


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/11/2019 :  04:47:39  
I'm not sure that's a viable option really - the alternative is to send them to a "fake" confirmation page after ordering and manually authorize and resend the order email after checking it is legit but it's not ideal.


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Posted - 01/11/2019 :  05:54:20  
In away that's what we are doing, WorldPay is sending off its own confirmation email to the customer and the purchase is being authorized, they just can't get back to the shop with the callback.

WorldPay displays the confirmation/failed page, which is now our own (legitimate!) "thank you" or "failed" html page as appropriate, the user is then requested to click on 'return to shop' which is currently set to the default.asp, so customer is at least not left totally stranded!

So really asking is there a "Its gone through ok" asp function or 'its failed' asp function that can be called from a custom .asp file, which can be our return to home shop link?


ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/11/2019 :  06:54:42  
There's not a function like that which I'm aware of I'm afraid.


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Posted - 01/11/2019 :  07:32:36  
Hi Andy

Thanks anyway.


ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 01/11/2019 :  10:05:19  
We have experienced the same with a couple of clients. I was pretty surprised to hear Worldpay say they don't support SNI, that's an industry standard now and their apparent inability to deal with it suggests they are basing their platform on ancient machinery from before it was a thing. Which is a bit alarming. It isn't something we have experienced with any other payment processor, and we work with quite a few.

But it isn't something you can "remove from your service", although that's likely what they will suggest, as it's baked into the network architecture and can't readily be changed on a shared hosting system, only with a dedicated server which is overkill for your needs. So your remedies would appear to be as follows:

* try and use http:// for the callback. This is far from ideal, but was suggested in several solutions we found posted on the web. I don't imagine they return anything super sensitive to the Response URL (just an auth code & status I would think) so while not best practice it would probably be OK.

* do without the authorizations and handle it manually as you are.

* use a different processor. Stripe are pretty easy to work with, supported in recent versions of the cart with no monthly fees and available in the UK There's a few others built into ECT also, SagePay, PayPal etc.


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Posted - 01/11/2019 :  10:31:04  
Hi Peter

Thanks for the reply, had another chat with WorldPay tech, and they are hinting the lack of support for SNI might be addressed sometime this year.

You are probably right about them using 'ancient machinery from before it was a thing', despite being around a while in the card payment industry.
Their documentations seems to be a little be ancient and broken as well.

Think the best option is to do as we are doing, at the end of the day the customer is only expecting a confirmation. If it only comes from WorldPay confirming payment that's probably good enough for now. No see No foul!



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