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 Accepting Bit Coin or Bit Coin Cash
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Posted - 01/19/2019 :  18:21:08  
Has anyone found a quickway to integrate bitcoin into your site?

I'm looking at [url][/url] which makes it sound pretty easy in terms of finding a processor, but I'm wondering how complicated it would be to offer that as an option.

I've seen companies do it by "processing" the order which sends an email to you. You have fifteen minutes to send your bitcoin to the address they provide, with an order number reference. All very smooth.

With the coin sitting stable (but low), I'm thinking there may be an opportunity to provide an alternative means for folks to spend their accumulated coin on my site . I'm still having trouble finding a processor that accepts credit cards, and of course paypal sent me a cease and desist email to remove their logo and checkout functions.

On the upside, there is no means to chargeback, low fees (1%) to your processor. On the downside, if you accept payment at a $20,000 to 1coin ratio and don't cash out until it drops to $3,500 to 1coin ratio that would be unfortunate.

Bottom line, if you have either set up your site to accept it, or know a good coder that could build a mod I'd love to learn more.

Evolution Weed sells Toking tools, herb grinders, Titanium eNails and 420 storage.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 01/20/2019 :  00:05:53  

I haven't see anyone here accept bitcoins on their store and recently processors have been dropping support for them too - I'm guessing it's just too volatile.


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Posted - 01/20/2019 :  12:09:49  
Man, I'm starting to feel like I am back in the prohibition era trying to find a way to move moonshine. About 5 years too early to the market I think.

I'm reaching out to folks like Planet of the Vapes, Vameaningful relationshipation, Pulsarvaporizers, Grindhouse now to see how they managed to get supported. Sites are selling CBD oil, shouldn't be this hard to move glassware.

I'll keep the forum posted as I work through this.

Evolution Weed sells Toking tools, herb grinders, Titanium eNails and 420 storage.
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