Ecommerce Template Guru
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Posted - 02/07/2019 : 14:53:11
Hi all,
I'm trying to set up the Digital Download and I am a bit confused so far.
digidownloadpattern - I'm guessing I need to create a folder called downloads? Does it need to be outside the root or can it be in the root like the vsadmin, images, etc? Then I can add to the includes digidownloadpattern="\downloads\%pid%.pdf"?
I just enter the letter a in the download box in product admin, correct? So I would need to save each pdf as the productID & upload to the download folder?
digidownloadsecret - Do I use the example in the instructions text? Or do I need to generate a new?
Thanks for any help!
Julie Owned & loved by 7 German Shepherds
Ecommerce Template Guru
4061 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 02/07/2019 : 15:08:51
I'm also slightly confused on this:
"To get the path to your downloads folder you can use the same test.asp file used for setting the database in db_conn_open.asp and changing the resulting string so it points to the correct location on your server."
Do I need to do this if I am using the letter a and the digidownloadpattern setting in the includes?
I went ahead & created the downloads folder outside the root.
Getting there!
Julie Owned & loved by 7 German Shepherds
Ecommerce Template Guru
4061 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 02/07/2019 : 21:46:36
Something is not working right.
I was able to check out using email payment as a test.
Download link appears.
I clicked it to open and Foxit Reader says: Format error: Not a PDF or corrupted
The downloaded file is 0 bytes... if I ftp it direct, it's 1.54 mb & opens, so something is not working.
I think I need to set the digidownloadpattern..let me investigate that part. :)
Arghh! Tried setting it per the test.asp result but now I get a Secure Connection Failed page.
digidownloadpattern="D:\www\mysite.org\downloads\%pid%.pdf" doesn't work :(
This is what I have: digidownloads=true digidownloadpattern="\downloads\%pid%.pdf" digidownloadsecret="fe2ls2pl2jJbIONowk234ksdf" digidownloadwarn=TRUE digidownloadmethod="aspupload" digidownloaddays=10
I give up for tonight...
Julie Owned & loved by 7 German Shepherds
Edited by - Positivek9 on 02/07/2019 22:26:11
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 02/08/2019 : 00:09:52
Hi Julie Normally you would create a folder called /downloads/ outside of the web root so that the files in that folder can't be browsed to and downloaded via the browser. The path to that location is what would go in the digidownloadpattern and that is required if you are going to use "A" in the download field of the product admin page. Andy Please feel free to review / rate our software
Ecommerce Template Guru
4061 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 02/08/2019 : 00:28:43
Hi Andy,
I did create a downloads folder outside of the web root (Servelink said I didn't need to set anything else).
This was the result for the test.asp (I had to do it in the images folder as it wouldn't work in the downloads folder, I just get 404 - File or directory not found when trying to open it in a browser):
sDSN = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\www\mysite.org\httpdocs\images\vsproducts.mdb;"
When I changed the digidownloadpattern to match it came up a page error when the download link was clicked:
Julie Owned & loved by 7 German Shepherds
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 02/08/2019 : 00:39:04
Ecommerce Template Guru
4061 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 02/08/2019 : 00:46:31
The product id is the same as the pdf file name.
Reference: 2004AugGSD402
PDF file: 2004AugGSD402.pdf
Do I need to change the reference to 2004AugGSD402.pdf?
Never mind - ended up with the same result - file is 0 bytes, can't open.
Julie Owned & loved by 7 German Shepherds
Edited by - Positivek9 on 02/08/2019 00:50:16
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 02/08/2019 : 01:09:03
Ecommerce Template Guru
4061 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 02/08/2019 : 01:09:16
"The path to that location is what would go in the digidownloadpattern and that is required if you are going to use "A" in the download field of the product admin page."
When I try that I get:
Secure Connection Failed
An error occurred during a connection to www.mysite.org.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Julie Owned & loved by 7 German Shepherds
Ecommerce Template Guru
4061 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 02/08/2019 : 01:12:01
"As you saw, the reference shouldn't have an extension. Would you like to send me on your FTP details and I'll take a look for you?"
Oh my gosh, yes, please!!! I've been at this all night and I bet I am missing something obvious.
FTP on it's way....
Julie Owned & loved by 7 German Shepherds
Ecommerce Template Guru
4061 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 02/08/2019 : 01:26:19
This is going to sound soooooooooooooo dumb.........
Could it be that I don't have the end slash in the Store URL & HTTPS Store URL in the Main Settings?
Should it be...
Julie Owned & loved by 7 German Shepherds
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 02/08/2019 : 01:29:48
Ecommerce Template Guru
4061 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 02/08/2019 : 01:44:09
I had it set as
but didn't realize I had to add the other, too...
Test order went through and the Download Link produced a pdf page with no errrors!
So excited!!! Thanks so much!
Now I can get back to the rest of the site... really want to simplify as much as I can.
Onward! :)
You rock Andy!
Julie Owned & loved by 7 German Shepherds
Ecommerce Template Guru
4061 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 03/24/2019 : 13:51:48
Hi Andy!
Not sure what is going on as this was all working...
I just did a few test orders today as I added more files and I'm back to the pdf not opening. The file is good, can open it after downloading to desktop via ftp, the ProdId matches, I have A in ProdAdmin.
Format error: Not a PDF or corrupted
If I try to use the latedownload link: The requested file does not exist.
'digital downloads digidownloads=true digidownloadpattern="\downloads\%pid%.pdf" digidownloadsecret="***************" digidownloadwarn=TRUE digidownloadmethod="filesystem" digidownloadmethod="aspupload" digidownloaddays=10
Julie Owned & loved by 7 German Shepherds
Edited by - Positivek9 on 03/24/2019 13:55:11
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 03/24/2019 : 14:15:47
Ecommerce Template Guru
4061 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 03/24/2019 : 15:10:46
It was working just fine after we added the digidownloadmethod="filesystem".
I thought that was the only change we made.
I orginally had it as digidownloadpattern="D:\www\mysite.org\downloads\%pid%.pdf" but that did not work.
How do I know what the path is?
Julie Owned & loved by 7 German Shepherds
Ecommerce Template Guru
4061 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 03/24/2019 : 15:27:27
Hey, I got it working again! You were right...
For some reason the path that didn't work is now working.
Weird! :)
Julie Owned & loved by 7 German Shepherds