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Starting Member

25 Posts

Posted - 02/14/2019 :  06:04:35  
I have customer claiming that after shopping at my store, somebody used his credit card.

Are those credit cards stored in data base or somewhere else hacker could use.

Can the admistrator of the hosting comapny intercept somehow the information ?

I talked to my hosting company, they say that the site is clean no hacks attempt. I did use online scanner for malware nothig there. clean.

Edited by - Ed201 on 02/14/2019 12:12:25

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 02/14/2019 :  06:18:28  

The credit card details aren't stored by your database. In the payment provider admin page, which payment methods do you have enabled?


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Starting Member

25 Posts

Posted - 02/14/2019 :  09:05:41  

I am using authorize net, so they type in my site.

would it be possible for the server hosting comapny / administrator to intercept the credit card information ?

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 02/14/2019 :  09:20:13  
No, it wouldn't be possible for them to intercept it. The details are passed on in the background to for processing, you don't get to see the card information and you don't have it stored anywhere on the server. It may just be a coincidence that their card was used sometime after buying on your site.


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ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 02/14/2019 :  11:51:13  
The way you have it setup is very secure.
People think that all websites must be susceptible to this because of companies like Home Depot who had a well know hack were many card numbers were stolen.

Home Depot and many large companies have the option to operate in a safe manner like your store, but they want those card numbers. They use them as a way to identify you can see when you come back and buy more.
So they trade analytical data for your security.

It's important to let these customers know there is no way the card would have been compromised as a result of purchasing at your site because unlike major merchants, we never see or store your card info. It's impossible to hack data that does not exist.

The more likely reason for their compromised card is skimmers that are rampant at atm's and gas stations "pay at the pump".
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