Posted - 02/14/2019 : 12:53:30
Hi Guys,
I may be confused on the js file situation but I have version v6.8.3 and everytime I try to update to the newest version 6.9 the whole site goes down. I can't get in the front end or the back end. I do have an extra field in my database file for the products called Manufacturer which did give me an issue in the past but I removed that field before doing the update and still I get the server error 500 Internal server error, the server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration. I am confused on the JS file which I did create the directory and upload but I did not add the <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/ectcart.js"></script> to all of my pages but even if I did not shouldn't I still be able to get into the back end of the site to log in?? I really can't afford to pay for someone to do the upgrade but would appreciate any help you can provide.