Posted - 03/01/2019 : 14:18:21
One of the very few pleasant surprises we've found in our tests of selling through Amazon is the popular "Answered Questions" link on each product page. There have been lots of useful questions, and it's been a great way to discover elements of our product offerings that are confusing to visitors.
Would it be practical to develop an 'Answered Questions' spry tab on the product details page that displays moderated Q&A?
Presumably this would be similar to the current Reviews tab but with a bit different formatting and the ability for the Admin to sort the list of questions by relevance. Like Amazon, an Admin could answer a question, but other visitors could also add answers and comments pending Admin approval.
The goal might be to duplicate the Amazon feature as closely as possible. For example, it would be great if the text on the top tab displayed the number of entries as in "117 Answered Questions", similar to Amazon's link text that counts up to "1,000+ Answered Questions".
Thanks in advance for any thoughts.