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 PayPal Pending Capture SORTED
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Advanced Member

United Kingdom
416 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 03/16/2019 :  13:13:54  
I don't run an ECT site myself, I set them up & maintain them.

One customer has asked me to check an order in their admin while he is away in Spain, & that is an order from 5th March paid via Paypal. In the admin the CVV & AVS both show Y, Method PayPal & the Auth Code column shows Pending Capture with a 18 digit code below.

Can someone clarify exactly what the Pending Capture actually means / does / works?

Will - Bolton Manchester UK

Edited by - V45 on 03/16/2019 13:33:53

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2019 :  13:19:51  
Hi Will

That would mean that PayPal is set up in the admin to just authorize the order and not capture the funds. You'd need to check why he has that option selected as it may be he captures when the order is ready to ship for example.


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Advanced Member

United Kingdom
416 Posts

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Posted - 03/16/2019 :  13:33:35  

Thanks for your swift response. So ideally to capture the funds the transaction type in the ECT PayPal admin should be Sale as against Authorization, yes?

I shall check with the store owner once he's back from Spain.

Will - Bolton Manchester UK

Edited by - V45 on 03/16/2019 13:37:02

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2019 :  13:42:57  
Yep, that's right but he may have a good reason for setting it up like that.


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ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2019 :  14:45:48  
Hi Will, the way you describe, is the way we use it.
When viewing the order details, we click the "inform Paypal" button to do the capture. After a few seconds, a message comes in with "sucess" or some other info if there is an issue.

We wait to capture because in some cases, there might be some edits to the order before we process it.
We just want to review the order before the funds are settled.

Ecommerce Template Expert

500 Posts

Posted - 11/19/2019 :  14:26:10  
Starting in October 2019, PayPal no longer refunds up to ~3% in processing fees when you cancel and refund an order.

If your store refunds many orders, you may want to configure PayPal as "Authorization" instead of "Sale" through the drop-down box on the admin payment processor page.

This gives you the option to capture the funds only after checking the order, verifying the shipping address, etc.

Should you need to cancel an order, you don't capture the funds and PayPal doesn't charge you any fees.

PayPal was charging us close to $15 every time we cancelled a $500 order, so we're grateful that Dave pointed this out in a different thread.

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