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 Product configurator (mockup) for website products
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 03/25/2019 :  05:28:04  
[blue][size=5][size=1]Edited title of forum post - 17:00 - 26/03/2019[/size=1][/size=5][/blue]
I have a client who operates two websites retailing dance wear & gymnastics wear. They deal with a garment manufacturer in the UK who has designed a unique range of products that will soon be coming to market. This manufacturer only sells to trade!

Those products will be available in hundreds / thousands of colour / pattern options. Their garment designer has available to my client all the garment bare outline images. As there are so many combinations the manufacturer isn't able to manufacture every available option so isn't able to do a photo shoot as he has with all his mainstream stuff.

What my client is asking is does anyone know of a software package availability for a website whereby the colours / patterns can be selected by the customer on their websites to actually populate the bare outline images thus giving the customer an idea of what the finished / chosen product will look like?

The client already uses the Alt Prod ID's for the available off the peg products.

Will - Bolton Manchester UK

Edited by - V45 on 03/27/2019 06:04:02

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2019 :  05:45:18  
Hi Will

I know what you mean but I'm afraid I haven't come across anything like that - maybe somebody else has and will post here.


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ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 03/26/2019 :  11:05:57  
I have been developing a product designer. It can be complicated stuff.
I have an example in my "cool links" (click my username)

I used to use this company, so you might want to try them if that's what you are looking for.

Advanced Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 03/26/2019 :  16:10:44  
Hi David

Looking at the doogma website, & on the face of things, the following is pretty much what I think is needed [url][/url].

Thank you

Will - Bolton Manchester UK

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 03/26/2019 :  18:46:17  
Sure Will. When I worked with them years ago, it was all flash based and a good bit of work with configuration.
There were making changes when I left them and it was on the right track, but still a good bit of configuration.
I am betting they have made more progress and if you reach out to them, you might end up talking to Dan who runs things. Tell them David from Trophykits sent you.

Advanced Member

United Kingdom
416 Posts

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Posted - 03/27/2019 :  06:02:57  
Thanks for that David.

I'll be having a chat with my client later and they can take it from there.

Will - Bolton Manchester UK
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