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 Custom Payment Integration
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Ecommerce Template Expert

612 Posts

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Posted - 04/09/2019 :  21:26:56  

I am trying to integrate a Custom Payment Solution and have some issues. I checked checkbox in the Admin panel for Custom Payment and also configured the Customppsend.asp and customppreturn.asp files to redirect to another page. But when I complete the payment cycle, it goes back to cart.asp and shows an empty page. I am not sure where I went wrong.

The process is I have a custom button that should take to another site or url and on success it should go to the thanks page. I am able to get the confirmation and then when it redirects to cart.asp page it is blank, it is not calling the customppsend.asp page at all

May be, if you can give me a writeup on how it works , I can try to solve it.

Pls help

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 04/10/2019 :  00:06:01  

Each payment provider is quite different so it's not really possible to provide instructions although we have left 2Checkout integration in there as a very general guide. Some of the integrations can get very tricky and may require professional help.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

612 Posts

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Posted - 04/10/2019 :  00:46:10  

Yes, I understand it will be tricky. I just want to know some thing technically.

When I get the success confirmation from the Payment Provider , I will have the customer details and shipping details. So, when I submit the page again to cart.asp, I just need to create the order and come back to thanks.asp page to update the cart and orders Table

Pls can you tell me how do I insert into the order table when I come to cart.asp after confirmation

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 04/10/2019 :  01:23:10  
It's like I said before really, each payment provider is quite different and there isn't a set of instructions we can provide I'm afraid.


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