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ECT Moderator

1721 Posts

Posted - 04/28/2019 :  12:26:41 is not authorizing the orders as paid so there is no receipt being sent to client or customer for digital downloads. I've logged in to the admin to see if I could resend the order but there is no copy of the receipt to send. When I try to change the status to authorize I get this message. User authentication failed due to invalid authentication values.

Client verified that she has been paid but we have no way to get the password for the digital download without a receipt. I have upgraded the cart to 7.0.4 (and upgraded the DD) and is saying there's a problem with the cart. Where would I look?

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 04/28/2019 :  12:57:40  

Is this AIM or SIM as there have been some recent changes. Did this just start today and is there any error message for customers on checkout?


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ECT Moderator

1721 Posts

Posted - 04/28/2019 :  13:47:30  
I read about the recent changes which is why I updated. There is no error message from what we've heard from customers. Just that they contact client as they don't know how to download.

It's SIM and I made sure it's out of demo mode. It's fairly recent but this client is uncertain about things has asked her to do. She must phone them. Can't follow email directions.

***I just did a test order and got this message. Sorry, there seemed to be an error !

If you need any help with your purchase, then please be sure to contact us.

The error report returned by the server was: nothing here...
That was at this page:

Edited by - LadyM on 04/28/2019 13:55:36

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 04/28/2019 :  14:02:07  
I would check the settings and use the new integration - Accept Hosted.


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ECT Moderator

1721 Posts

Posted - 04/28/2019 :  16:09:02  
After changing to accept hosted I am now getting the error message on the second page of the checkout. I don't even get to A. net page.

Ecommerce Template Guru

1916 Posts

Posted - 04/28/2019 :  16:12:12  
Make sure your store is set to https is every field - both fields in the store's main setting page and the thanks/receipt field in

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ECT Moderator

1721 Posts

Posted - 04/28/2019 :  16:20:11  
Hi Marshall, I did that back in March. I double checked and I had client check - she couldn't add the s to https but she had add it for her. I'm still getting the error message on page 3 summary of your order. It's actually showing up now in the Shipping field. Could there be a problem with the USPS api? Credentials haven't changed as far as I know. There is no longer a checkout button so I can't proceed.

I've also tried it with and without the MD5 hash. I kept it stored so added that back in just in case. Same error message so I've removed it again.

I also had client check that this is set to https also. I checked the source code

Edited by - LadyM on 04/28/2019 16:34:20

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 04/29/2019 :  00:04:27  
I would check the Signature Key is set to 128 characters to make sure you're using that and not the MD5 Hash. It's probably a good idea to run the updater again, make sure you update the secret vsadmin folder too if you have one. I would also enable email as a payment method temporarily and complete an order just to check there aren't any other issues apart from


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ECT Moderator

1721 Posts

Posted - 04/29/2019 :  13:10:08  
Ok. I logged in to, with client permission, and obtained a new signature key and a new transaction key. I double checked the return URL and it matches what is in the cart.

I checked all pages to make sure they had the css and js in the header. I ran the 7.0.4 updater again and enabled email as a payment processor. I am still getting this error message. I'm sorry. We are experiencing temporary difficulties at the moment. Please try your purchase again later.
**** I checked IP blocking and deleted my IP. Email works fine.

I don't know what else to try. It's something with this particular account as the other carts are working just fine.

Edited by - LadyM on 04/29/2019 13:35:54

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 04/29/2019 :  13:33:24  
That error suggests you have IP blocking set in includes.php - can you remove that and try again?


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ECT Moderator

1721 Posts

Posted - 04/29/2019 :  13:46:25 tech thought it might be a time stamp problem. Haven't a clue how to address that one.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 04/29/2019 :  23:57:33  
I have just replied to the mail you sent asking for details.


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ECT Moderator

1721 Posts

Posted - 04/30/2019 :  13:43:33  
Just an fyi. It was NEVER the cart. Client changed her API Login ID and didn't realize it would affect the cart. Nor did she notify me. All is well now that the credentials all match the account.

ECT software and support is as wonderful as ever.

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 05/01/2019 :  00:05:53  
Glad you were able to sort that out. When you get the error User authentication failed due to invalid authentication values it's a sign the credentials in the admin payment providers page aren't set correctly so would need checking / reentering or that the webhook hasn't been set.


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