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63 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 05/26/2019 : 11:31:24
Hi, I have been with you for years... built with Dreamweaver6 and before a lot of the css changes you made over the years.
Basically, I want to redo-refresh my site and simplify. I am looking at the Eco responsive basic template and have a few questions:
A) Does this have the redirects to URL friendly names for the address bar built in (part of the shopping cart default now?)
Or do I have to do other things like my current configuration - which while it goes to the product name in the address bar and not the prodID, it still has /proddetail.asp?prod= in the address bar since I never did anything above that.
B) In my current includes I think I am set to display using one of the non css includes and never initiated the css prod and detail prod available in later years. Q: I assume I would delete that from the includes and use what comes with the new responsive template and that the css display as shown for your demo is what I would get?
C) Not really sure what all else to ask so any words of wisdom or thought on this matter to help me make a decision would be appreciated.
My goal is to do all of my store with the dynamic shopping cart and not have separate URL pages with the prod code inserted on the static URL page as I have now for the most part.
D) Since many of my URL's will change in this event any words of wisdom on how to simplify this, or will I need to redirect all my urls using the config file like I do now when a URL changes.
E) Last Q: Is this even worth the time/effort to make this change? My site is working flawlessly right now but condensing products and thought would be a good time to ask.
AND would the above Qs apply to your other responsive template - regular and premium. I may decide on one other then the eco template, still looking:-)
I am on ASP and my current version is Ecommerce PlusASP v6.6.5
Thank you in advance, Em
Edited by - coastalem on 05/26/2019 11:40:06
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 05/26/2019 : 12:00:04
Hi The main difference between the regular and responsive designs is mainly in the css file although there will be some changes in the design code too. I think it's better to merge changes in the includes.asp file rather than starting over. The URL changes are completely up to you. You can keep your existing URLs and if those are working well at the moment, I'd recommend not changing. Switching to a responsive design is recommended both for ease of use for your users and a possible SEO benefit. Let me know if I've missed anything there. Andy Please feel free to review / rate our software
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63 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 05/28/2019 : 07:57:23
Thank you Andy.
One last Q: on either the regular or the premium responsive templates:
Can the product page with all the items allow for ordering there instead of going to the detail page or clicking the quick view.
I am asking because my current ECT site is set up to allow ordering from the products page, and when someone puts an item in the cart, the soft cart pops up.
I am wondering if the responsive template/s have that ability, or just the ability to go to details or the quick view which still = a "click" to achieve that method.
Thank you ahead of time, Em
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 05/28/2019 : 08:05:27
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63 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 05/28/2019 : 08:10:57
Thanks Andy! It sounds like the main benefit I will gain in addition to some of the things you mentioned is that it will all/mostly be css based where my current site is not. For example, my current site product and detail page is from before css and I never updated/changed it.
I have enough information for now and appreciate all your help. Have a nice day/evening:-) Em
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 05/28/2019 : 08:20:34
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63 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 05/28/2019 : 09:02:10
I guess I do have one last Q:
Would purchasing a template come with an updated shopping cart. I am on Ecommerce PlusASP v6.6.5 and need to know if I would also need to purchase an "update"
Or if purchasing the (looking at) premium template comes with a current version of the shopping cart, or if just the software template is included - meaning I would also need to purchase an update?
Thanks, Em
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 05/28/2019 : 09:05:43
The current version for downloads is the latest, 7.0.5. You would need the Replacement Software from here - if you want to keep your existing products and admin settings you would need to update the old site to 7.0.5 too so in that case you would need to get the updater separately. We have some help on the process here Andy Please feel free to review / rate our software
New Member
63 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 05/28/2019 : 10:12:56
Hi Andy, I am confused so please indulge me:
I looked at the link for more info and that is info from years back 15/16. I think my current template is actually the generic responsive one from about that time but never did the prod and prod detail code to css if memory serves.
Anyway, YES I do want to keep my existing admin and products.
So if I understand correctly, I need to update my existing site to 7.0.5 first - separate purchase (template does not come with an updater I am guessing here). Then purchase the premium responsive design and install that - which would then allow my existing settings to live on since the responsive template and existing store are the same version?
As I recall, that is what I had to do when I purchased the generic responsive version when you first started offering responsive templates.
I think I am understanding this correctly? Thanks again, Em
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 05/28/2019 : 10:29:21