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 PHPMailer Not sending Order Confirmations
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Posted - 06/26/2019 :  17:40:55  
My server hosting company (Liquid Web) just did a major upgrade to my server. All FTP & email passwords had to be reset.

My client running a eCommerceTemplates cart. She has an issue where she can send and receive emails from webmail on the server but the cart is not sending customer order confirmation emails.

Her cart phpmailer is version 5.2.26 and the server is running php 5.6. How do I fix the issue? Is there a phpmailer updater or something?

Thanks in advance.

Ray Cramblit

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 06/26/2019 :  23:56:40  
Hi Ray

The last phpmailer update was in ECT 7.0.1 - the files are included in the updater and the details are now entered in in the main admin settings rather than via includes.php


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Posted - 06/27/2019 :  04:20:59  
Hi Andy,

Thanks for the reply.

I updated the PHPmailer files as instructed, edited the settings (username/password & port which were already correct) in my include.php file (I tried ports 587 & port 25) and nothing worked. Customer order confirmations were not being sent.

Then I went into the cart admin area settings tab and added the new email password in the field provided and saved the changes and it works now.

Can't understand why when all the settings were hard coded in the includes.php file it wouldn't work. But I guess I don't need to understand... it's working now. Sorry to ramble on with this detailed explanation but I thought it might help someone else with the problem.


Ray Cramblit

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 06/27/2019 :  04:23:09  
Important thing is that it's working so thanks for letting us know, Ray.


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Advanced Member

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Posted - 06/27/2019 :  18:25:33  
In regards to the PHP mailer package, I went to the link and downloaded what I thought was the latest version of PHPmailer. I downloaded version 5.2.27 and followed the instructions to add:


to vsadmin/inc folder.

Liquid Web (my server support company) says my PHPmailer 5.2.27 is out of date and the latest version is 6.07. I downloaded version 6.07 and when I extract the downloaded file the file names are:


How do I upgrade to version 6.07? And remember I'm old so explain the process like you are talking to a ten year old :)


Ray Cramblit

ECT Moderator

95440 Posts

Posted - 06/27/2019 :  21:33:30  
You shouldn't need to download the files as they are in the updater so you would already have them.


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