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35 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 06/27/2019 : 18:52:01
When customer orders, get sent to PP site. All products downloads. They enter CC #. Order gets kicked back with error "Something went wrong." Order is on my Admin site in red. Shows under "Auth Code" = Auth Code $6.95 (or whatever the price was). And unauthorized. Tried "authorizing" sale but PP did not get order so not in their system. Tried a free download and ordered. Got confirmation and product.
Using v7.0.5 but had same problem before upgrade. Have digidownloads installed. Cart was working beautifully for several months until a few days ago. Site
Looked in manual and did not see solution.
One clue is that Checkout shows option to "Ship to another address." I do not believe that was there before and certainly do not want it. Saw way to remove in manual, but my vsadmin/includes does not have that option. Maybe I was looking in wrong file?
Testing with and without clicking it. No difference. Used different computers and different credit cards by different people. Site has been https since inception.
Thank you.
Mexico maps and driving advice
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 06/27/2019 : 21:31:35
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35 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 06/28/2019 : 07:31:17
Thanks, Andy. So appreciate your help.
PayPal Payments Standard.
It is the same acct. I have had for more than a decade. The account is in the email of another site, but when i set this cart up, asked PP if that made a difference and they said no. When i encountered this problem and had PP check it out on their end, the tech reiterated that the different domains was not a problem i.e. for the cart and for the processing.
Thought i would add that to save you any time chasing down that rabbit, which is where my mind went first.
Mexico maps and driving advice
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 06/28/2019 : 07:58:42
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35 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 06/28/2019 : 08:29:50
I took a cue from your response and checked out my PP integration. Saw that my 'Transaction Type' was set to 'Sale' so I changed it to 'Authorization' and tried a transaction. No difference so put it back to 'Sale' where it's worked all this time.
Mexico maps and driving advice
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35 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 06/28/2019 : 08:33:53
Andy, Sorry, but i was typing last message while you were typing apparently. The answer to quesiton of whether it happens on PP only is that both customers and myself and my girlfriend have all used credit cards not PP. The grand majority of my customers use credit cards, no PP.
Mexico maps and driving advice
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 06/28/2019 : 08:47:14
It may well be a problem with the account not being able to accept credit cards. Can you check that with PayPal? It may also be down to the type of account you have, is it a business account? Andy Please feel free to review / rate our software
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35 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 06/28/2019 : 10:31:52
I understand where you are coming from. I guess I should have made it clearer. But, yes it is a business account. And yes it can accept credit cards. Has been authorized for years and has processed thousands of dollars. So that is not the problem. It just started last week. PayPal checked my account and there is no problem on their end. They said the problem was with my shopping cart.
Mexico maps and driving advice
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 06/28/2019 : 10:40:35
You haven't made any changes to your cart though, have you so I'm not sure how PayPal came to that conclusion. It might be worth running the latest updater to be sure you have a good set of files. Andy Please feel free to review / rate our software
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35 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 06/28/2019 : 11:01:36
I updated a few days ago, but can run again if you think that will help. Problem predated update by a few days.
Mexico maps and driving advice
ECT Moderator
95440 Posts |
Posted - 06/28/2019 : 11:14:46
Starting Member
35 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 06/28/2019 : 12:22:11
Thanks Andy. Sent.
Mexico maps and driving advice