Posted - 07/22/2019 : 07:31:00
Last time Andy Chapman fixed this issue for me - I would like a permanent resolution to this problem - or you could tell me how you fix it so I can do it myself?
1) I tweak my dreamweaver template on a semi regular basis. As you will see from my website this has applied perfectly to all pages except the shop pages. I made the following changes, i) centred my entire website so that when it loads on a pc it is not biased to the left. ii) added a menu button at the top - testimonials - i create this in photoshop then add hotspots over the image in dreamweaver. You will notice that the "new" hotspots from the updated template haven't migrated across to the shop pages. So as far as the hotspots are concerned there is no link to the new testimonial page.
I will confess now, that i have downloaded but not applied your bug fixes. i am currently working with a business mentor making a lot of design changes to the website (hence the problems above) and didn't want to add to my problems or overwrite my many changes.
Thank you your help is appreciated.
Kind regards