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 Dimensional shipping when combined
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Ecommerce Template Guru

1916 Posts

Posted - 08/08/2019 :  11:33:48  
Scenario 1.
Item weight: 5lb. Box 31.75x37.73x3.5 (inched)

Order 1, shipping $37.57 UPS ground
Order 5, shipping is $224.16.

Scenario 2.
Take away the dimensions and order 1, the shipping is $15.40. And for 5 it is $22.00.

Why is there such a huge difference in the shipping from the two scenarios? I am more interested in how the box dimensions come into play when you order more than one of the same item. FYI - UPS charged $55.00 to ship 5 though the item weight is accurate.

CENLYT Productions - ms designs
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42874 Posts

Posted - 08/09/2019 :  00:59:06  
Hi Marshall,
I ran this through the system and got the same results as you, but these are also pretty much exactly what you get on the UPS website. When the dimensions are taken into account a surcharge is added to the package which is what makes it more expensive. The way the dimensions work is to try to pack the item into the smallest "box" possible. In this case it will be the same length, same height with the depth of 3.5 multiplied by 5 (and rounded up), so giving 18 inches.
To reduce the shipping cost for this item what you probably want to do is set it to "Pack Together Exempt" on the admin products page. You can do this in the settings for the product, or via the "Quick Update" menu. That way the cost is 5 times the cost of shipping one of these items, or $187.85
That UPS only charged $55 is maybe because whoever you dealt with didn't take the dimensions into account at all, but try entering the shipping details on and you'll see they are the same as the cart generates. Maybe, if this is generally the case for you then lower or remove the dimensions entirely.


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Ecommerce Template Guru

1916 Posts

Posted - 08/09/2019 :  04:19:08  
Thanks Vince. The customer and I are experimenting with this and believe the easiest solution is add some more weight to the product and do away with the dimensions. It is an odd item insofar as its weight is not proportional to its size. If we come up with a solution, I will let you know.

CENLYT Productions - ms designs
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42874 Posts

Posted - 08/09/2019 :  14:07:26  
Hi Marshall
That really is what dimensional rules do, just rate the package as if it were a higher weight because of the bulky dimensions. I think your box is rated at 35lbs instead of 5lbs because of the size. The results are really what the UPS website gives so I'm not really sure what you want for a solution but if I can help, please let me know.


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Ecommerce Template Guru

1916 Posts

Posted - 08/09/2019 :  18:28:06  
Thanks Vice. I appreciate your offer. I think that simply not everything fits into UPS's cookie cutter world.

CENLYT Productions - ms designs
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