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 Add item to cart custom price and size
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44 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2019 :  17:29:41  
Please reference

Each item in the product table will have a base price and size range options. The slider, using javascript/JQuery, calculates the additional sq. inches and computes the new price. The final price, length and width variables are accessible in my proddetail.asp jquery section.

I'm trying to find a way to pass these new values to the cart. I am unable to find a 'method' to the The Add To Cart button to pass these new values to the cart.
I've looked in ectcart.js as well.


42874 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2019 :  02:06:34  
Hi Gwilson
I believe you have the answer for this now as the problem you have seems to be that the cart is now resetting the price when you add to cart. Is that the case?


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Starting Member

44 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2019 :  09:03:53  
(Avram here for Greg)
I am using the prod options for color and size that get passed to the cart on "Add to cart."
However I don't see if there is away to CHANGE (pass the new calculated price) of the product to cart.
PS the size option slider value is a hidden text field on the user screen so they don't see it, but the cart logic does.)

in cartoptions there is both coPriceDiff and coMultiply. If I could pass/change a new coPriceDiff as it goes to the cart that would work.

In inccart.asp function addoption(opttoadd) the logic seems to use the values in the options table for coPriceDiff.
if I could somehow override that value on the fly?

Are there other variable names that your add to cart logic might be able to collect from the proddetail.asp page?
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