When an order is placed, no email is sent. The server administrator says the mail server is working properly. We are able to log into webmail with the email credentials we've entered for order notifications. May I email you a screen shot of our settings?
Hi, there is a "tick box" for order emails there, so be sure that is ticked. Check (assuming you are using it) the email a friend or ask a question feature on one of your products to see if that email makes it. Check spam/junk folders to be sure emails are not just ending up there.
Here are some troublshooting tips https://www.ecommercetemplates.com/help/email-help.asp
Hi Kevin You sent me the site admin settings and it seems you had the Email Object in the admin main settings page to "None". I've changed that to CDO as it should be, so can you see if that helps.
Hi Kevin I wrote the software and I will help you for free if you are within your support period, but you can pay me if you like. https://www.ecommercetemplates.com/One-Hour%27s-Work What I would do if I were you is set this parameter in your vsadmin/includes.asp file... debugmode=TRUE Then try a test transaction through email for instance and this should display any problems connecting to the SMTP server. Then let us know the results.
I've added the debug code. Placed a test order with the same results, the order is placed but no email notification is received. I'll email you login credentials. If we're out of service, let me know and I'll use the payment link. Thank you, Kevin
Hi Kevin I think I've found the cause of your problems and it was just that the include line in the thanks page was missing. I've edited the thanks.asp page on your site so that the vsadmin/inc/incthanks.asp include line is back and now all the thanks page features like the receipt are appearing. Because I'm using your login the email will be sent to you so if you don't receive it then please let me know but I'm 99% sure this is the problem, (and even if it isn't, it's a step in the right direction.)
I suddenly had the same problem without ever having changed anything in my configurations. I tried every possible configuration and more before I tried the following which was in the suggested "Email troubleshooting for .asp) mentioned above. It did the trick! Thanks to DBDAVE. add this to vsadmin/includes.asp smtpserverport=465 smtpusessl=TRUE