Posted - 09/16/2019 : 16:56:50
We have uploaded php v7.1.3 into a test subfolder of our domain. When testing the password reset from clientlogin.php everthing works perfectly until the end, after you have logged in using the new password. The error message: "I'm sorry, your email address could not be found" shows with then "Go Back and Try Again" button. However the login and password reset has been successful and the customer is logged in using that email address. We have made a few small changes to inclientlogin.php and incfunctions.php but the same message occurs when we reload the original files with no changes. Is this something to do with us testing it in a subdomain?? We are almost ready to upload this new version but I know this message will confuse our customers and I'm just not sure what is happening.
Thanks for any help. Anne