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 pricezeromessage not working
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Ecommerce Template Expert

918 Posts

Posted - 09/18/2019 :  11:09:43  
Does anyone know why the following is not working in our includes.php file?

$pricezeromessage="<b>Please call for pricing</b>";

... and for what it's worth, I noticed that the $pricezeromessage line is NOT in either of the language files in the INC folder.

And did I miss something or is it no longer possible to change the wording of the Out of Stock message?

Any suggestions?

Tim Gorski

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 09/18/2019 :  11:25:42  
Hi Tim, it's not going to be in the languagefile, or in the includes by default.
You would just add it in your includes.
For .php that is here -

Zero price

If you set this, for instance...

$pricezeromessage="<b>Price: Please call</b>";

...then in the case where a price is set to zero, this message will be printed instead. If the pricezeromessage is not set then products with a zero price will be displayed as Price: $0.00 as usual.

Check your syntax carefully, upload to vsadmin, and make sure the products price is set to 0.
That should do it.


ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 09/19/2019 :  03:31:55  
And did I miss something or is it no longer possible to change the wording of the Out of Stock message?

Add this to your vsadmin/includes.php file

$GLOBALS['xxOutStok']='Out of Stock';
then change the message
$GLOBALS['xxOutStok']='Your New Message';

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Posted - 12/17/2019 :  08:52:50  
I believe I have checked everything, but zero price messages and hiding the "checkout" and "add to cart" buttons being hidden is not working from the includes.php page. Also, how can I set a custom product images folder.

Edited by - rays on 12/17/2019 08:53:31

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 12/17/2019 :  09:40:07  
Hi Ray,
All the documented parameters should be fine but if you're using WordPress the parameters are slightly different.
If you're using WordPress it would be like this for example:

$GLOBALS['pricezeromessage']="Your Message";

You can set a custom prodimages folder by adding
$defaultprodimages = 'yourimagefolder/';

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Edited by - Phil on 12/17/2019 09:42:08

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Posted - 12/17/2019 :  09:42:03  
The parameters worked before I upgraded, but stopped after I upgraded. Not using wordpress. I just added the prodimages line to my includes file and it did not work. What would make the includes file not work, since that seems to be the thing that links the problems together?

Edited by - rays on 12/17/2019 09:51:23

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Posted - 12/17/2019 :  10:02:01  
I may have had a really old includes.php file. I changed it from <SCRIPT... to <?php and the behavior changed.
Still having issues with the foldered "mobile" directory getting the images, but we are closer.

Edited by - rays on 12/17/2019 10:10:25

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 12/17/2019 :  10:14:16  
Ahh so it's the PHP version on the server that you have upgraded?

If you have a mobile directory (which isn't ideal these days) change the path to the prodimages by adding a forward slash - /prodimages/yourimage.jpg

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Posted - 12/17/2019 :  10:19:19  
There are a smaller number of issues to fix if I don't folder with the biggest being the link from products to proddetail. If you can tell me how to fix it, I'll happily change the structure as it is a lower number of files to deal with.

I tried using $defaultprodimages = 'prodimages'; in my main includes.php files and it didn't change the directory.

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 12/17/2019 :  10:26:12  
I tried using $defaultprodimages = 'prodimages'; in my main includes.php files and it didn't change the directory.

That wouldn't change anything because prodimages is the default directory anyway.

I'm assuming all your product images are in the prodimages directory yes? If that's the case that's fine. But you're saying the product images are not displaying on your mobile version of the site yes?

If that's the case just make one change to one product by adding a forward slash in the prodimages path to the image and see if that sorts out the issue.
If it does it'll only take a minute to update all those paths by using the built in csv upload feature in the admin.

If you need any more help can you put the url of the site in your profile so I can take a look? That would make things a little easier.

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Edited by - Phil on 12/17/2019 10:50:15

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Posted - 12/17/2019 :  12:21:18  
I have slashed my way to glory, which was a lot of work for a couple of slashes. Thanks for the help.
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