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Posted - 09/27/2019 :  14:42:43  
My email address is algor59 AT msn DOT com
My website is:
I joined you about a year and a half ago, and only now have I decided to put the site online. I have a few problems (probably because I'm not a web designer) and I ask for your help (don't be too expert).
I have upgraded to 7.1.4.
So I have a couple of questions,
1. Is it possible to replace the word "enlarge" with an icon, or an img?
2. Is it possible to reduce the space between product name and product price?
3. Is it possible to set "log in" for only one page. For example my "free.php". I wish it could only be used as a member?
4. If you click on any menu I get a message "top section deleted" is there any way i can remove that?
5. Is there a counter for your site? For now I don't want to use google analyctic.
6. I have problems with "emailfreind and askquestion" Can you tell me what I'm supposed to do?
7. Is there a way I can remove the link 1-5 with "preview" and "next button". But I want to keep it on the product detail page?
I hope I'm not looking for the impossible and that these problems can be solved. Thank you for building such a nice and easy templates. I enjoy working with it.
Now is there a way you can bring back the phone line you had before?
Thank you in advance



42874 Posts

Posted - 10/03/2019 :  04:07:15  
Hi Ivan
I'm really sorry this question looks like it's been overlooked. But do you still need help on these issues? I don't think you are using the hosted store however, are you?


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Posted - 10/03/2019 :  12:09:51  
Hi Vince.
Yes, I still have problems with the above. I managed to solve some problems, but not completely.
As you can see at

1. Is it possible to replace the word "enlarge" with an icon, or an img?
3. Is it possible to set "log in" for only one page. For example my "free.php". I wish it could only be used as a member?
4. If you click on any menu I get a message "top section deleted" is there any way i can remove that?
6. I have problems with "emailfreind and askquestion" Can you tell me what I'm supposed to do?
7. Is there a way I can remove the link 1-5 with "preview" and "next button". But I want to keep it on the product detail page?
As you can see I am more copy/paste gay than web designer.
I would like to add the same to my problems, it is possible to have several digital downloads for the same product.
I hope I'm not asking too much and I believe I wouldn't have these problems if I were a web designer.

Thank you for building such a nice and easy templates. I enjoy working with it.
Now is there a way you can bring back the phone line you had before?
Thank you in advance



42874 Posts

Posted - 10/03/2019 :  12:24:38  
Hi Ivan
1. For number 1, where is the "enlarge" text?
3. There is some help about this on this page here...
4. Go to the admin section and click on the categories admin page. It looks like you might have deleted the "top section" of some of your sections / categories. So just create a new one and where you see the warning about the top section deleted in the categories admin, just click on modify for that category and make sure it has a top section set.
6. That does depend on the problem. Could you give more details?
7. This depends on the number of images you have set per product. If you only have one small image, then the link isn't created on the product pages. Is that what you mean?
For several digital downloads for the same product, just put them in one zip file.
Thank you for building such a nice and easy templates. I enjoy working with it.
That's great to hear, thanks Ivan!


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Posted - 10/04/2019 :  07:57:45  
Hi Vince.

Thanks for the quick answer.
1. Text "enlarge" is located on the product ditel page to enlarge the giant image. (Not that important).
3 What you're proposing is ok. But I'm interested in something like what you have on your forum page. The client can see the page, read it, but can't post a new post unless it's "login". In other words I have a free page with a download button, I wish the client could open the page but if they want to download the file they have to "login".
Your suggestion takes me to "clientlogin.php".
Is it possible to achieve what I am looking for with this version of the template.
4 I was able to solve this. I had a "category" selected as "Check to make this category the product catalog root." After "UNCHECK" everything went back to normal.
6 Before I upgraded to 7.1.4 I could send "askquestion" but "emailfreind" indicated that everything was ok but I couldn't get the email.
Now the form opens but I don't have a close window and nothing's going.
I'll try again to set it up so you can see.

7 I have 5 giant img for every product.
on the product ditail page I have a link (below the picture) prew and next and 1 of 5 in between. I want to keep that link. But I also have it on the product page that would like to remove that link. And to give me only the first of 5 pictures.
> So i need 5 dig download for same product with different tube.
I would also ask you to tell me where I can find the "quickBuy" button syling.
Sorry for my bad English (google translate).
I'm new to this, even though I've had this for a year and a half.
I hope I'm not making big problems.
Thank you in advance.



42874 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2019 :  09:58:54  
Hi Ivan
Ahhh, I get you, for number 1, add this to your vsadmin/includes.php file...
$GLOBALS['xxEnlrge']='<img src="/images/yourimage.gif" >';
obviously changing yourimage.gif with the actual image location.

For the images, I think you have 5 small, 5 large and 5 giant images. Is that not the case? If you only have 1 small image, the buttons to view the next images are not created.

Sorry for my bad English (google translate).
No problem at all and I'm sure you speak my language better than I speak yours.
I'm new to this, even though I've had this for a year and a half.
I hope I'm not making big problems.
Not at all, you ask anything you like. However I would suggest just having one question per post. When you put them all together It's hard to sort out answered from unanswered questions etc.


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Posted - 10/04/2019 :  11:39:29  
Hi Vince.
Thanks for this. It works great.
Ok I realized one by one.
Here's the first one.
How and where can I change the "Quick Buy" button maybe a new img, if possible, and hower. ??



42874 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2019 :  12:59:15  
Hi Ivan
Ok, that should be an easy one.
If you set the following in your vsadmin/includes.php file...
Then that should set this as an image. There is a list of the images you can set for buttons here...


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Posted - 10/05/2019 :  05:46:06  
Hi Vince.
Me again.
How can I get .visited .hover and on mouse ower for the "Quick buy" button.
Thanks for all this, if we continue like this I will become a web designer


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Posted - 10/11/2019 :  15:14:38  
Anyone please



42874 Posts

Posted - 10/11/2019 :  16:01:12  
Hi Ivan
I'm sorry again your post got overlooked. But I went to have a look at your site and I don't see a quick buy button. There are lots of variables so it's best to see it on your site and that makes it easier to say what you need to add and where.


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Posted - 10/12/2019 :  06:14:44  
Hi vince.
No problem. Better late than never.
thank you.
My problem is on my homepage. In the Recommended Items section I have a quick buy button (at the bottom of the home page) and I don't know how to get the effect on mouse over, hower, action. Like I have on the Buy Now button.
I can't find where you made the syle for button so it can change state.
Thank you in advance.



42874 Posts

Posted - 10/12/2019 :  07:18:42  
Hi Ivan
If you add something like this to the site style sheet...


That may not be exactly the effect you want, but hopefully points you in the right direction.


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Posted - 10/13/2019 :  04:14:24  
Hi Vince
Thank you.
It works great

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