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 ASP (Windows server) versions
 New Order Option not working
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 09/29/2019 :  10:09:13  
Hi. I am using the 'New Order' option in the Orders Admin screen to enter a manual order. I have the auto-update option selected. I have entered details but when I click on 'Update' I get the following error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e07'

Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'A1' to data type int.

/vsadmin/inc/incfunctions.asp, line 1927

Also, the Recalculate option does not appear to be working on this page, but instead drops my product selection and email address.

I have just updated to version 7.0.6 ASP, and all else appears to be working fine.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 09/29/2019 :  11:47:42  
Hi, perhaps you are trying to enter "A1" in a field that should be numbers only?
At least that's what the error seems to suggest.
What field is this where you have the A1?



42874 Posts

Posted - 09/29/2019 :  12:33:06  
In earlier versions of the cart, the columns
...could only take numbers and so were a type INT. But quite a long while ago this changed so the session id could take both letters and numbers to allow for more secure session id's and there is a part of the updatestore.asp script which changes the datatype to VARCHAR(100). For some reason it seems this hasn't happened in your store and that seems to be why you are getting the error. Do you have access to your database and is this something you could change manually?


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Posted - 09/30/2019 :  14:49:27  
Hi Vince,

Thank you for this. I have looked at my database in myLittleAdmin (MSSQL DB), and can see that both fields are INT(4). I have tried changing them in myLittleAdmin as you have suggested, but both updates failed with a message:

Error -2147217900

The index 'cartSessionID_Indx' is dependent on column 'cartSessionID'.


I'm not a tech expert and am unsure what this means or what to do next. I can see references to these fields in the 7.0.6 Updater and have run this again, but they are still incorrect.

Any suggestions would be gratefully received! Thanks.


42874 Posts

Posted - 09/30/2019 :  15:09:25  
Hi Stuart

**** Please note. Backup the database before trying this ****

That is the index for the cartSessionID column. There is probably a section in myLittleAdmin for the indexes and you want to find it there and delete it. There will be another one for the ordSessionID_Indx. Delete that one too then change the type of the columns as I mentioned. Then run the updatestore.asp script again which will recreate the indexes where needed.


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Starting Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 10/02/2019 :  14:58:58  
Hi Vince. As ever you are a genius! Thank you so much - I have made the correction and we are up and running.



42874 Posts

Posted - 10/03/2019 :  03:34:06  
Hi Stuart
Thanks for letting me know and I'm glad you got it working.


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