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ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2019 :  12:27:37  
It should be rwxrwxrwx

No, it shouldn't, please don't do this .

Disclaimer: I'm allergic to cPanel, we don't use it at all, but CHMOD 777 isn't necessary in our environment and really shouldn't be necessary anywhere else that is properly managed with security in mind.


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42874 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2019 :  12:50:26  
I'm not sure why Peter says different as there isn't really any explanation there, but generally, you need permissions for the anonymous web users to be able to write to the disk and that involves giving the directory 777 permissions. But in any case, it doesn't seem to have solved this problem so set them back if it doesn't help.
But looking again at the error message it says it is trying to move the file to...
But it looks like your store is in boxoffice...
Could you try creating a prodimages directory in the site root if it's not already there and try again. Try the 777 permissions if it doesn't work with the standard 755 directory permissions.


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John Nolan
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Posted - 10/08/2019 :  13:16:34  
Yes, Vince, I did create a prodimages directory in the site root, but that didn't help.

However, making sure the name of file I was uploading didn't match a file that was already in that directory did work.


42874 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2019 :  13:46:51  
Hi John
I'm glad to hear we have a resolution. Out of interest, did you need the 777 permissions? Set them to 755 if not as that is more secure.


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John Nolan
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Posted - 10/08/2019 :  13:59:21  
The permissions didn't seem to help, so I'll set them back.
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