Posted - 10/07/2019 : 18:04:59
Hi, I am updating my v6.6.5 web site with a new template, ASP and Access DB
I just purchased the premium template Felicity AND the updater for 7.0.6 for ASP
Right now my existing v6.6.5 is in the directory /shop
I want the new template (end goal here with the store update) is to be in the root of the site and NO longer in a sub-directory of /shop
_____________ The updater steps it says: ... Connect to your site via FTP and upload updatestore.asp or updatestore.php to your store root - that is where you have your store pages like the cart, products and proddetail pages.
In your browser open the page or for the PHP version
Check the version you are updating to and any warning messages about versions, uploading the css and js files etc.
Click the Upgrade to Version xxx button and you will see the database being updated. On completion you should see a "Success" message and the page will refresh... ______
Basically, how do I update the existing database to 7.0.6 where my existing store is in /shop, when I will install the new template to root. The location of the DB remains in the same location no matter what, but not sure where to put the updatestore.asp file for this DB update.
Can I put the updatestore.asp in the root to update the DB, or does it HAVE to been done from the existing /shop directory. Or can it be done in /shop now, and then update again in root once the new template is installed.
Also, Do I have to update my existing store files in /shop after the updatestore.asp if I plan to install a totally new template in root? Trying to save some steps here if said steps are not needed. In the end, my old template is being retired in favor of the new template going to root.
Q 2: Can I leave the /shop ect cart there at the same time as I upload and work on the new root template. Or should I delete the /shop template files first. Yes I have a backup (more than one:-) of my current site and DB. I am thinking the DB once updated, will not work with my existing version /shop files, which is fine if I can save the step of not updating those files in favor of simply installing the new template to root.
I plan to do this in a day (with a little stragglers I assume) and at a time where I am not concerned if the site is a little wonky during this process if it saves a step or two on going from /shop to root as talked about above.
Q 3) Right now my product options are set to "radio" for option display. Q: is there a way to bulk change that from radio to "dropdown"?
Please, let me know how best to proceed. Thank you in advance, Em
Edited by - coastalem on 10/07/2019 18:20:36