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 Multiple Product Details on Home Page
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Posted - 10/20/2019 :  14:24:12  

Issue: I am trying to bring in multiple products into the home page, using CSS tabs to separate them. Bringing in the first product is fine, using this code inside the tab div:

[code]<?php $explicitid="40.5-Clamp-On-Toothbar";?>
<?php include "vsadmin/inc/incproddetail.php"?>[/code]

That code successfully displays the first product in the first tab... When adding the 2nd product using:

[code]<?php $explicitid="43.5-Clamp-On-Toothbar";?>
<?php include "vsadmin/inc/incproddetail.php"?>[/code]

The site begins to throw this error (and others even if i try to exclude the pddsocialmedia function).

[quote]Fatal error: Cannot redeclare pddsocialmedia() (previously declared in /home/toothbar/public_html/vsadmin/inc/incproddetail.php:690) in /home/toothbar/public_html/vsadmin/inc/incproddetail.php on line 690[/quote]

Seems like calling 'incproddetails' multiple times is not going to work....

I am REALLY hoping that there is a workaround for displaying multiple products using the method above. I am also open to any workarounds that would let me place the products (individually) on the home page in the various tabs.

Thanks in advance for your help!!


42874 Posts

Posted - 10/20/2019 :  14:39:30  
Hi Mike
The product detail page isn't designed to be used for displaying more than one product, and that is why you are getting the error. But why not just use the cross sell include file instead, and maybe use the "recommended" products setting to control which products are displayed on your home page?


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Posted - 10/20/2019 :  14:59:08  
Thanks, Vince.

Not sure if either of the two ideas you had will fit in with my design as I am hoping to have the products displayed in different divs, as opposed to a block of recommended products....

Using the Cross sell include file: would I be able to choose which product would be displayed AND be able to display 9 products on the home page using this method?

What php would I need to enter into each one of the tabs?

If cross sell doesn't work, is there ANY way you can think of that will allow me to insert the products into the different tabs (and have prod details display/ability to purchase/unique prod reviews/etc)?

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 10/20/2019 :  16:59:14  
Mi Mike. here is a link to setting up the crosssell features -
I think you want to use "recommended" on the home page because that will allow you to turn on and off which products show on the home page.

This link specifically addresses home page setup and has an example there -

See where you get with the link there and post back if you are having problems setting it up.

Edited by - dbdave on 10/20/2019 17:00:47

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Posted - 10/20/2019 :  18:40:26  
Thanks, Dave.

I was able to get the Cross Sell set up and am trying to include these items:
This works fine except that 'reviewstars' doesn't show and 'reviews' generates this error: [code]UNKNOWN LAYOUT OPTION:reviews[/code]

Also, the prod images are showing with the next/prev buttons instead of thumbnails + Magicthumb zoom....

I would need both of these items to work (reviews with cross sell prods & image thumbs+Magicthumb) to continue trying to integrate the store like I wanted. If not, I think I will need to take a different approach.


Edited by - dwmike on 10/20/2019 18:41:38

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 10/21/2019 :  03:36:37  
Hi Mike,

This works fine except that 'reviewstars' doesn't show and 'reviews' generates this error:


'reviews' is only for the product detail page, not the products page so that's why you're seeing that error message. I'm not too sure why your review stars aren't displaying, does that product have a review? Try adding this $ratingsonproductspage=TRUE;

Also, the prod images are showing with the next/prev buttons instead of thumbnails + Magicthumb zoom....

can you try adding the following as per here -

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Edited by - Phil on 10/21/2019 04:45:06

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Posted - 10/22/2019 :  17:57:23  
Decided to take advantage of product options and alt ids as alternate viable solution. Thanks all for your support!
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