Posted - 10/20/2019 : 18:40:26
Thanks, Dave.
I was able to get the Cross Sell set up and am trying to include these items: [code]$csproductpagelayout='productname,productimage,instock,reviewstars,listprice,options,price,currency,addtocart,description,reviews';[/code] This works fine except that 'reviewstars' doesn't show and 'reviews' generates this error: [code]UNKNOWN LAYOUT OPTION:reviews[/code]
Also, the prod images are showing with the next/prev buttons instead of thumbnails + Magicthumb zoom....
I would need both of these items to work (reviews with cross sell prods & image thumbs+Magicthumb) to continue trying to integrate the store like I wanted. If not, I think I will need to take a different approach.
Thanks! Mike
Edited by - dwmike on 10/20/2019 18:41:38