The web site seem to be having problems when trying to add items to the cart. The soft cart comes up with "cart contents undefined " after trying to add an item to the cart.. please advise...
Have you done anything to forward from the www. to the non www. form of the site URL? The site in your profile is www. but I end up on the non-www but all the product links are to www. This swapping from one to the other will cause problems. Choose one (preferable with www.) and make sure it is set in the ECT admin for both the store URL and store URL SSL, and in the wordpress admin, and whatever you are using to forward is set to the same.
Ok the last order i received was on 11/3.. store had been working fine.. haven't gotten and order since.. and got a call from a customer explaining that she was unable to add items to the shopping cart.
I haven't changed a thing. .
I understand you are being forwarded to https:// from http://www. where do I go to fix this?
If you look in your vsadmin/includes.php file for anything that has "lostbuckaroo" and see if there is anything there.
If I'm on the page here for instance... Any of the links in the product menu will take me to "www.lost...."