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 using fractions order quantity
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Ecommerce Template Expert

918 Posts

Posted - 11/13/2019 :  14:02:53  
Our client needs to update their order totals to handle exact weight variances, but I see that when I try and use a decimal point in the order quantity, such as as 2.25, the calculations do not include anything after the decimal point.

Is there an includes setting that would allow that?


Tim Gorski


42874 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2019 :  10:32:27  
Hi Tim
Everything to do with the quantity is going to expect an integer so there would be very many places where any decimal would be rounded, or just cause an error. Would a "Multiplier" option do the trick here? If you haven't tried those before, set up a text option and check the "is multiplier" checkbox. These are options for things like "number of meters of fabric" for instance.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

918 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2019 :  11:44:44  
Thanks, Vince ... I was able to create a text field called quantity that allows the use of fractions ... now is there a way to substitute the field for the actual quantity field on select products by name or category?

For context, the customer orders X units of cheese, but the merchant needs to readjust the quantity by the multiplier to reflect the actual quantity/# of pounds ordered, such as 1.2 instead of 1. The other thing is that ONLY the merchant needs to use the multiplier option, if it can be made visible ONLY on the order detail screen in admin.

Is that doable and if so, how?

Thanks again!

Tim Gorski

Ecommerce Template Expert

918 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2019 :  14:20:20  
We used to class field to not display the multiplier option on the produdetail page, thinking we COULD then use the field from the "edit order details" screen in admin, but that doesn't seem to work either ... we put a 1.2 in the multiplier field, expecting it to multiply 1.2 x quantity x price, but no.

Tim Gorski
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