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 ASP (Windows server) versions
 client login Q and save error Q
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Posted - 11/16/2019 :  10:35:58  

Can someone point me to the include.asp text I need to input into that file in order to NOT have the "new account" button and associated text on the checkout page (part where the customer puts in their address but before the payment method). In the 7.0.7 it is there, where it was not in my older version and I don't know or remember how it got there or how to get rid of it. Thanks:-)


Also note or Q for Vince or programmer?: RE: the admin customer order detail page where you enter the tracking number in the 7.0.7 asp version. Getting an " input error" on save...

In the old version I just put in the tracking, selected shipped, checked the send email box and that was it. In the new version: Now the tracking box has red verbiage about needing to save the entry, the verbiage changes after a few seconds to something about save.... and if I get my timing just right the box around the tracking number will go from red to black . But no matter how I have tried my timing it is not consistent. If it does not go from red to black I get an "input error" when I save.

Don't really care if it is just a "glitch" as long as the tracking is included in the email sent to the customer where I have said email set-up to include it. On one of my tests, that area was blank in the email. So I am not sure what to think about when, in this new version, is the tracking, or when will the tracking, get attached to the email if there is an input error on save. On the other hand, even though I get the input error is does seem to save it when I go back in and look at the order detail. Just want to be sure it attaches to the email to the customer?

Have also tried putting the method to usps before entering the tracing and after entering the tracking, as well as changing status to shipped before or after adding the tracing an so on.

What I am saying in a long winded way is: What is the sequence to get the tracking number to "take" and get that box to consistently change from red border to black border which then prevents the "input error " pop-up" box on save.

One side comment on the new version: I personally really liked/preferred the "print invoice" up by the search and new order boxes at the top (one click) where now it is in the "action select" box at the bottom (two clicks) and scrolling since, since my sort order is set to have newest orders at the top. Just wondering if in an update there is any way to add the print invoice button back at the top too.

OR, can I add some coding on my own to that file to place the print invoice at the top myself or is there a mod for this? Thank you for your consideration.

Thank you ahead of time, Em

Edited by - coastalem on 11/16/2019 10:36:50

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 11/16/2019 :  13:17:06  
Hi, in version 6.9.2 the remember me button was replaced by the create account button
You should not see that unless you have the client accounts setup.
I suppose you do want to use client accounts, but maybe don't want that options showing in checkout?
In that case, you can try to hide it with css
In the head of the cart.asp page try this

<style type="text/css">
co2newacctbutton,cdformnewaccount {display:none; }

For the tracking number, when you type in that field you should see a red border around the field. Hitting return (enter) on your keyboard should turn that border green and save the tracking info. Otherwise the tracking info would not be saved.

Edited by - dbdave on 11/16/2019 13:19:29

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Posted - 11/16/2019 :  14:39:28  
Hi Dave,

I tried the code and while that didn't work, your words about being a client login subject turned on a light bulb in my brain to help search the ECT help. I found this and that did the trick:

Remove create account button from checkout screen (Minimum version 6.9.2)
If you don't want to show a create account button on the billing / shipping step of checkout, add the following...


In regard to the tracking field, yes I do hit enter but that is where the inconsistency happens. About 75% of the time I can't get the box to go - looks black"-) on my monitor - to go green. Didn't know if there is some sort of timeing issue about when to press enter. I will keep trying to see if I can get the timing right.

Truly appreciate you reply! Thank you, Em

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 11/16/2019 :  14:48:58  
Are you typing in the field, or "pasting" there?
When pasting text, sometimes, I see where the field did not detect that something had been entered. In that case, you won't see the red border.
I suppose you could just hit your spacebar to overcome that.

Sorry on that css it should have been
<style type="text/css">
div.co2newacctbutton,div.cdformnewaccount {display:none; }


Edited by - dbdave on 11/16/2019 16:10:36

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Posted - 11/18/2019 :  08:43:33  
Thanks Dave.

Yes I copy/paste from and when I paste there is red verbiage to the left of the box that says something like need to enter and then a few seconds later the message changes to something like save tracking... all while the box is red. No matter my timing about 75 percent of the time when I hit enter the box stays red. When the box is still red and the file is saved is when the error pop-up occurs.

I will keep playing around and just wanted to let the programmers know in case it is just a glitch or if there is something I needed to know about when/timing to press enter to get it to take.

:-) Em


42874 Posts

Posted - 11/20/2019 :  00:06:29  
Hi Em
I'm trying the tracking number problem here and it seems to work fine for me with v7.0.7. What browser are you using? Even if the border stays red, is the tracking number still saved?


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Posted - 11/23/2019 :  09:41:17  
Hi Vince, I think I have the timing down now. I just need to press the enter key right after I paste the tracking, and that seems to turn the box to black from red avoiding the error box. I am using Firefox on Windows 8.

Wasn't really a big deal, just wanted to make a note of that in case I was doing something wrong.

Thanks again for all you do:-) Em
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