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Ecommerce Template Guru

1333 Posts

Posted - 11/25/2019 :  08:21:06  
I have a website that I created about 10 years ago with a Dreamweaver template. I recently had my client purchase his own VPS server and had the hosting company copy the entire account from my VPS server to their new one - so as of now we have two copies of this site, the copy on my server is the OLD site and is the one that is currently live to the public. On the NEW server, I made all of the changes and have updated the site to use WordPress. Everything on the new site is working as we want it and we are ready to point their domain to the NEW site and make that live.

Here is the one last piece of the puzzle that I don't want to get wrong: The OLD (current live) site is still taking orders on a daily basis - so I need to take a copy of that database and copy it to the NEW site, so that they have all of the orders, customers, and product additions they've made in the Admin over the last two to three weeks when I've been updating their NEW site.

My question: do I simply go into the cPanel, take a backup of the OLD (current) database and then upload it to the NEW site? What would be the best method to "upload" it to the new site? phpMyAdmin, FTP?? Step by step direction would be greatly appreciated - I really don't want to make a mistake here!

Since everything on the NEW site is a copy from my old site - nothing has been renamed.


ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 11/25/2019 :  09:04:09  
Hi, if both sites are with the same host, why not just change the connection string on the db_conn_open.php file on the new site to point to the old database and run with that?


Ecommerce Template Guru

1333 Posts

Posted - 11/25/2019 :  09:09:44  
They are on the same host, but on two different accounts (one is mine and one is my clients). Once the NEW site is up and running and is live, I will be deleting everything off of my server - so the database needs to be copied over.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 11/25/2019 :  09:33:08  
Hi, in that case, this page should help

Ecommerce Template Guru

1333 Posts

Posted - 11/25/2019 :  09:38:49  
I'm confused by the second step within "Importing"

2. Create a new database by typing in the name of the database in the "Create Database" field.

The database will be there already - I need to copy the OLD database over the NEW database -- so that I have the entire OLD copy along with all of the NEW orders and products.

How do I accomplish this?


42874 Posts

Posted - 11/25/2019 :  10:08:13  
phpMyAdmin is really the way to go for this. First you want to Export the old database from phpMyAdmin on the old server. Then on the new server, fire up phpMyAdmin with the login / password for the new database. If there are choices click on the new database name. You may want to DROP any tables in the new database if you want a clean start. Then go to the Import tab and Browse to the .sql file you exported previously. Make sure you back everything up beforehand.


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