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 Paypal Payments Standard PDT & IPN
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Posted - 12/04/2019 :  13:58:12  

I'm using Paypal Payments Standard with a PDT token.

I'm just trying to clarify if I still need to have an IPN address entered with Paypal, or if the token alone can validate the transactions.

Thanks in advance,


42874 Posts

Posted - 12/05/2019 :  03:12:22  
Hi Seventh-gear
Good question. . For PayPal we set the IPN URL dynamically so you can have different stores using the same PayPal account. But, if you don't enter a URL in the PayPal admin then IPN's are not used, so you do need one. Really, you could enter anything and IPN's would still work but better to make it a correct one.


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Advanced Member

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Posted - 12/06/2019 :  15:08:11  
Hi Vince,

Thanks for the explanation, I thought maybe that was it.

I've had two of our sites using the same PDT token and they're working fine. I just added the same token to our third site, and I get a Paypal error after it attempts to process the credit card: "Things don't appear to be working at the moment. Please try again later." However, it then Auto Returns back to the cart screen of the correct (third) site. I then tested the third site with a token from a different Paypal account and it works fine.

In Paypal I have the IPN blank, and the Auto Return set to the first site. However, all three sites Auto Return correctly. All three sites are using the same "send to" Paypal e-mail address. Am I headed in the right direction surmising: A) The Auto Return URL is also set dynamically, which is superceding the Paypal Auto Return entry? B) The error I'm seeing is likely something on Paypal's end?

Thanks again,


42874 Posts

Posted - 12/07/2019 :  02:16:45  
A) The Auto Return URL is also set dynamically, which is superceding the Paypal Auto Return entry?
Yes, we set the "return" parameter which will override the setting in the PayPal account.

B) The error I'm seeing is likely something on Paypal's end?
Well, as it appears to be on their site I think it would be good to get in touch with PayPal and they should be able to let us know what is causing the problem.


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