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 Admin - Percentage Discount
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Ecommerce Template Guru

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Posted - 12/19/2019 :  09:45:14  
What exactly does the Percentage Discount field supposed to do? I assumed it would update the order discounts amount for the order total when editing orders, can't seem to get it to work.



Responsive Design Deals Ecomm Plus - ASP 6.8

Edited by - Paradise on 12/20/2019 12:11:32


42874 Posts

Posted - 12/19/2019 :  10:39:15  
Hi Mark
That does seem to be the case that this just doesn't do anything. I think if a percentage is entered in that box, it should be used to calculate the discount applied. If nothing is entered, the discount that is entered for "Discounts:" should be used as is. I'll take a look tomorrow.


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42874 Posts

Posted - 12/20/2019 :  00:15:02  
Hi Mark
After some more investigation with a clear head this morning I see how this works now. If a wholesale customer has a Percentage Discount then that discount is entered here and any new order lines you add while editing the order will have the price reduced by that percentage.


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ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 12/20/2019 :  07:41:44  
Hi Vince (and Mark), I've often wondered about this feature myself.
It sounds to me like it's just informational and while it's useful to see the customer has a percentage discount,
I think the confusion stems from an input there that doesn't seem to do anything. Maybe that needs to be changed from an input to just an output...

Edited by - dbdave on 12/20/2019 07:42:19


42874 Posts

Posted - 12/20/2019 :  10:11:36  
Hi Dave
But it does do something . . . really.
If the customer has a percentage discount when you add new order lines, this percentage is applied. Or try just entering say 10 (for 10%) in that then add a new line to the order. When you click the "..." to get the details for the line item from the server the discount will be applied.


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Ecommerce Template Guru

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Posted - 12/20/2019 :  12:11:18  
It would be helpful if it worked on Editing Orders as well. I edit an order, remove an item (Zero Out) hit recalculate, updates everything Except the Discount line, I need to manually edit the discount line to get the total correct..

It would be nice if entering a discount amount in that box and updating would correctly calculate the discount line.


Responsive Design Deals Ecomm Plus - ASP 6.8

Ecommerce Template Expert

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Posted - 01/07/2020 :  08:02:35  
Ooh! I second Mark's suggestion when editing the order manually.

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