Posted - 12/20/2019 : 13:10:01
Just so that I'm clear on all of this....
I would convert my one image into three sizes... name them differently, and compress them. Keep them in the same folder... then within the options I create 3 alt ids linked to those 3 zip files I just did. When the customer buys and selects an id (one of the zip files), pays for it all... they will receive a link to that .zip file? And this will work if they select four images all with different alt ids.... and they would see an email with those four links?
If that works then I would enter the path or name into each alt id?
And if all of this is correct, the big question is.... is there an easy way to enter these id's or locations (links) for 4000+ products?
Terry (Redsei)
Edited by - Terry Paulhus on 12/20/2019 13:11:18