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Posted - 01/07/2020 :  08:04:50  
I recently moved my site to a new host, Siteground. After moving the database my proddetail, product, and some of the category pages are blank. The gift certificate page works and I was able to add one to the cart but couldn't check out because the site is not secure yet. I have not changed my DNS to the new server yet because I need to figure out what the problem is. I was using php v7.0.5 so I upgraded to v7.1.7 and still no products appear. Looking in the vsadmin I see all the product and images, orders, etc. Looking at phpadmin I see the database and tables, every thing looks correct. New php version is 7.1.33, old server is running 7.3.6. Could this be the problem? Any ideas? BTW, I moved another of my sites the same way to the same server and it works fine. Created a new db and moved it again and still same problem.

Thank you in advance.


42874 Posts

Posted - 01/07/2020 :  08:15:50  
Hi Hepark
I would imagine you have an error on the pages but that error isn't displaying because of the website settings. Can you ask your host to turn detailed error messages on and that may throw some light on the situation. The most likely culprit for the errors is the database connection.


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Advanced Member

112 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 01/07/2020 :  09:03:34  
Thank you for your reply. php error reporting is on but no errors displayed. But in comparing proddetail pages script to store that works I had this:

include "vsadmin/inc/incproddetail.php";

I changed it to:

include "vsadmin/inc/incproddetail.php";?>

and now it works.
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