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Posted - 01/12/2020 : 01:19:59
Hi there,
I ran into issues after adding the below to vsadmin/Includes.asp as underlined in the instructions for ectstyle2.css:
usecsslayout=TRUE detailnameh1=TRUE imgcheckoutbutton=”button” quantityupdown=2 xxInStoc="<i class=””w3-margin-right fa fa-chevron-circle-right””></i> In Stock" xxPrId="<i class=””w3-margin-right fa fa-chevron-circle-right””></i> Product ID" manufacturerfield="<i class=””w3-margin-right fa fa-chevron-circle-right””></i> Brand" showproductsku="<i class=””w3-margin-right fa fa-chevron-circle-right””></i> ISBN" dateaddedlabel="<i class=””w3-margin-right fa fa-chevron-circle-right””></i> Updated" xxAddToC="#xf290; Add to Cart" xxAskQue="#xf27a; Ask A Question" xxEmFrnd="#xf0e0; Email A Friend" searchwordsheading="<i class=””w3-margin-right fa fa-search””></i> Search words" defaultdescriptiontab=”<ecttab title=”"#xf036; Info”">” ecttabsspecials=”<ecttab title=”"#xf005; Reviews”" special=”"reviews”"><ecttab title=”"#xf0a9; Related”" special=”"related”"><ecttab title=”"#xf155; Pricing”" special=”"quantitypricing””>” detailpagelayout=”navigation,productimage,reviewstarslarge,productname,discounts,shortdescri ption,price,listprice,currency,instock,productid,manufacturer,sku,dateadded,options,quantity,add tocart,description,previousnext,searchwords,socialmedia,reviews” socialmediabuttons=”askaquestion,emailfriend, facebook,linkedin,twitter,pinterest,google” socialbuttonfacebook=”<div class=”"fb-like”" data-href=”"%pageurl%”" data-layout=”"button"” data-action=”"like”" data-size=”"small”" data-show-faces=”"false”" data-share=”"true”"></div>” xxPrDets="Details #xf05a;"
xxQuiBuy="Quick Buy #xf290;" xxCOTxt="Checkout #xf07a;" xxBakOrd="Back Order #xf290;" xxConfig="Configure #xf013;" xxAddToC="#xf290; Add to Cart" imgdetaillink="button" productpagelayout=”productimage,productname,discounts, instock,reviewstars, description, price, listprice, currency, detaillink,quickbuy” quickbuylayout=“productimage, productname, discounts,instock,reviewstars,description, options, price, listprice, currency, detaillink,addtocart” --------------------------------
After adding the above all the pages on the site stopped working. And when i remove the entries, all pages would work again.
The error message shows on the page is
" Access to was denied You don't have authorization to view this page. HTTP ERROR 403 "
And when i turn on web.config error reporting from off to detailed, then now the error i get is:
" The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred. " or
" HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.
Detailed Error Information: Module IIS Web Core Notification BeginRequest Handler Not yet determined Error Code 0x800700b7 Config Error Cannot add duplicate collection entry of type 'add' with unique key attribute 'name' set to 'PHP56_via_FastCGI' Config File \\?\e:\web\public_html\mysite\web.config Requested URL Physical Path e:\web\public_html\mysite\products.asp Logon Method Not yet determined Logon User Not yet determined
Config Source: 10: <remove name="php-5.2.17" /> 11: <add name="PHP56_via_FastCGI" path="*.php" verb="GET,HEAD,POST" modules="FastCgiModule" scriptProcessor="c:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\v5.6\php-cgi.exe" resourceType="Either" /> 12: </handlers> "
Please kindly advise why adding the new entries to includes.asp would cause all pages of the site to go down.
Thank you, Amy