Posted - 01/13/2020 : 13:44:20
Hi all,
I am having an issue on my site and I have no idea what is going on.
On this page the List Price has inline display none?
(These items all have a List Price entered of $17.99, reg price $14.99)
But on this page the List Price shows correctly, there is no inline display none.
I want the List Price to show on all product pages... I am not understanding what happened and why it's showing on some cats but not on all the others? It messes with the positioning when the List Price doesn't display.
<%productpagelayout="productname, productimage, price, listprice, reviewstars, quickbuy, detaillink"%>
There is another thread with this issue here:
List Price NOT showing:
<div class="listprice" id="listdivec0" [red]style="display:none"[/red]><span style="color:#999999;font-weight:bold">Was: <span style="text-decoration:line-through">$17.99</span></span></div>
And when the List Price does show:
<div class="listprice" id="listdivec0" [red]style=""[/red]><span style="color:#999999;font-weight:bold">Was: <span style="text-decoration:line-through">$26.99</span></span></div>
Julie Owned & loved by 5 German Shepherds ~ RIP Menace & Peanut ~
Edited by - Positivek9 on 01/13/2020 15:25:52