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 SOLVED Sort Order Problem
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Posted - 01/20/2020 :  12:30:30  
Don't know why but things are moving now when I change the product sort order??? Who knows why, I don't, LOL!

Hi, everything was fine. I have had my site set to:

Default Product Sort Order: ^ Product Order in the admin dashboard

There was nothing in the includes to override or otherwise effect this.

Sometime? the last few days or week+/- things changed and everything is sorting alphabetically from a-z and I can't get it to STOP this behavior.

I don't know what changed. I did have my web site swapped to MS SQL from my access DB but I can't see how that would effect anything. I have done some clean-up in options with the option names. IE, changing Select to now say for example Select Color. The only other changes I recall making were in the includes:



Looking at the ASP ECT help files:

I tried the


' orsortby=7

' orsortby=14

sort order code trying the three options noted above and that didn't change anything. Products set to sort order "0" or "600" etc did not make a difference and everything is still defaulting to alphabetically sorting!

Anybody have any idea why this is happening and why I can't get it to stop.

It use to sort by my "product order" set in the Product admin for each respective product. I have/had most simply set to "0" but when I want or wanted to move something down the page I would put in a value that would move it to where I wanted it to be positioned when the product page is viewed.

I don't get it. H e l p please.

emsplace dot com click on the first link "shaving products" to see example.

Thank you in advance, Em

V 7.0.7 ASP

Edited by - coastalem on 01/20/2020 13:44:44
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