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 No matching payment system Error Message
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Advanced Member

222 Posts

Posted - 01/22/2020 :  05:46:55  
We've been having an issue with a custom pay provider we have. It was working just fine until around updating from 7.0.3 to 7.0.5 (and not working correctly now either with 7.1.7). I don't know if it had to do with the update or not, but in any case. I'm hoping someone on this forum can help because the developers who made the mod for us have checked over it and don't see an issue on their side.
Basically when a customers uses the payment method, they go to the site of the payment provider, complete the payment and when directed back to the site instead of thanks.php with receipt, thanks.php page comes with the error message ($GLOBALS['xxThkErr']) and added message No matching payment system, like this:

Sorry, there seemed to be an error ! If you need any help with your purchase, then please be sure to contact us.

No matching payment system

What does this mean? Can anyone help?

Version: Ecommerce Plus PHP v7.1.7

Edited by - Crystal on 01/22/2020 06:04:20


42874 Posts

Posted - 01/22/2020 :  07:31:07  
Hi Crystal
In the admin payment providers page, is the custom payment provider enabled?


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Advanced Member

222 Posts

Posted - 01/22/2020 :  07:48:34  
Thanks for helping with any leads. Yes, well our own custom payment providers are enabled. We don't use payprov id 14 at all and that is disabled.
As it is now, the two payment providers are enabled, as a customer you can choose that payment provider, it goes to their site to pay and then gets directed back. When it comes back to the thanks.php page, that is when the error message shows. So the payment is completed, just the order shows as UNauthorized and the customer does not get a receipt confirmation. BTW the url format on the thanks page is like this: website dot com/thanks.php?order_id=21013&order_code=lcJBCYdL0x I don't know if that is how it usually is or not.

It's actually two custom payment providers we have through one company: Mollie and the payment providers are iDEAL and SOFORT. these each have a pay prov id assigned: 101 and 150 which are added to the database and are enabled. They do not use the customppreturn.php file. They have their own so the code we add a small bit of code to the incthanks.php. I'm still trying to track down if it's something we just need to add to our custom return files or if it has to do with just this little piece of code we add to the incthanks.php file.

The one thing I noticed is that the older version of incthanks when it was working for us was like this:
@include './vsadmin/inc/customppreturn.php';

and the new version has this longer code:
@include './vsadmin/inc/customppreturn.php';
$errtext='No matching payment system';

This is what we usually add to the incthanks.php file:
$sSQL="SELECT ordID FROM orders WHERE ordPayProvider=1 AND ordAuthNumber='no ipn' AND ordID='" . escape_string($ordID) . "'";
$result=ect_query($sSQL) or ect_error();
if($paypalwaitipn) $errtext=$GLOBALS['xxPPWIPN']; else $errtext=$GLOBALS['xxPPTOUT'];

// iDEAL Checkout - Return-start
}elseif(getget('order_id') != '' && getget('order_code') != '' && getget('method') == '150')
include './vsadmin/inc/idealcheckoutideal.php';
// iDEAL Checkout - Return-end

}elseif(getget('order_id') != '' && getget('order_code') != '' && getget('method') == '101')
include './vsadmin/inc/idealcheckoutdirectebanking.php';
// iDEAL Checkout - Return-end

Is there additional data we need to make sure gets added to our return files?

Version: Ecommerce Plus PHP v7.1.7

Edited by - Crystal on 01/22/2020 08:22:52


42874 Posts

Posted - 01/22/2020 :  10:16:00  
Hi Crystal
You are getting then the error...
No matching payment system
...because none of your payment systems is matching. That is it is not matching this...
}elseif(getget('order_id') != '' && getget('order_code') != '' && getget('method') == '150')
...or this line...
}elseif(getget('order_id') != '' && getget('order_code') != '' && getget('method') == '101')

When you arrive at the thanks page can you let me know the parameters in the URL query string.


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Advanced Member

222 Posts

Posted - 01/22/2020 :  10:38:23  
Hi Vince,
I don't know exactly what you mean. Do you mean this?
website . com/thanks.php?order_id=21013&order_code=lcJBCYdL0x

That is what the URL has if I complete and order using one of those custom payments. Just order id and order code. Should it have something else?

In the return file is this for example that I think is related.
<form method="post" action="'. $sRedirectUrl . '">
<input type="hidden" name="method" value="idealcheckoutideal">
<input type="hidden" name="order_id" value="' . $sOrderId . '">
<input type="hidden" name="order_code" value="' . $sOrderCode . '">';

Otherwise I could email you the custom send and return files if that is easier. I'm not a programmer, I just learn what I need to know as I go.

Version: Ecommerce Plus PHP v7.1.7


42874 Posts

Posted - 01/24/2020 :  01:06:14  
Hi Crystal
It would be better if you email me the site FTP login details as I would need to try this out on the site.


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