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 ASP (Windows server) versions
 Error in Coding on V7.1.8
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Ecommerce Template Expert

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Posted - 01/28/2020 :  11:28:35  
I had problems getting orders to not error out when there was a different shipping address from the billing address. After working with the code I believe I found a problem.

in vsadmin/inv/inccart.asp Line 6032 it states

firstname=rs("ordShipName") : lastname=rs("ordShipLastName")
if NOT usefirstlastname then call splitname(rs("ordName"),firstname,lastname)

I changed: if NOT usefirstlastname then call splitname(rs("ordName"),firstname,lastname)


if NOT usefirstlastname then call splitname(rs"ordShipName"),firstname,lastname)

and it works again.

Please confirm that my change is accurate. Thank you.

Charles Goldberg and


42874 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2020 :  03:43:52  
Hi Charles
That looks correct what you've done but to tell the truth, it would only affect the shipping name that is sent to with a transaction, it shouldn't cause (or cure) an error. Could you let me know the error message you are getting and that might help cure this?


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Ecommerce Template Expert

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Posted - 01/29/2020 :  07:16:33  
Below please find the error code we received when processing an order that had a different billing address from shipping address. It may be coincidental but after making the change mentioned the error code seems to have stopped. If you have other explanation or fixes I need to do please let me know. My original post was all I could find.

ADODB.Recoreset errpr '800a0cc1'
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal
/vsadmin/inc/inccart.asp, line 6366

Thank you for your help,



42874 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2020 :  07:25:35  
Hi Charles
Line 6366 of inccart.asp shouldn't give that error. Have you had any MODs done maybe? If not, are you sure the inccart.asp script was updated properly?


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Ecommerce Template Expert

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Posted - 01/29/2020 :  07:39:35  

I think it may be our coding of the Financing API that caused it. It has been removed and we are working on getting it to work as it did before the update in a secure environment. That being said I agree with you that the error I found was an error that needed correcting however, it was not the cause of the error out when processing a sale with a different ship to address than the bill to address. Funny thing is every order with only a "Bill to" address went through without a hitch. I will be interested to see what ends up causing the issue and will let you know. Thank you for your assistance.



42874 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2020 :  11:23:49  
Hi Charles
This error is normally easy to track down. Just go to line 6366 of inccart.asp and you will probably see an attempt to read from a recordset, say for instance...
Then look and make sure "myDBColumn" is actually in the SQL SELECT statement list of columns.

I've added the fix for the problem you spotted to the updater.


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