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Ecommerce Template Guru

1333 Posts

Posted - 02/06/2020 :  09:40:58  
I've recently converted an old Dreamweaver site to a new WordPress site. Most things are working well. I just noticed that the ECT search bar that I have in the header of every page does not work on every page. If I search from the home page, the search works fine. If I'm on any other page in the site, I get a "Page Not Found" error -- except the store pages themselves. I can search from the "Cart" page for instance.

I can see from URL when I try and search from one of the other WordPress pages that it is using the current name of the page and then adding the "search.php" -- for instance if I search from the "About Us" page - here is the URL:

The search widget is placed into the header on the "Widgets" page using an ECT Search widget, using simple text, and showing on all pages.

Any ideas?


42874 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2020 :  03:03:42  
Hi JustDucky923
I'm sorry if this got missed but if you look in the themename/header.php file for the <form> tag for that search, the action will probably be...
Can you change that to...
and that should sort this out.


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Ecommerce Template Guru

1333 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2020 :  13:36:17  
I searched through the header.php file - but there is no mention of "search" at all. This is a custom theme and I've added the ECT search widget using a custom widget area in the header and then placing the ECT Search Widget in that place. Is there somewhere else I could look? Or maybe I'm not understanding your answer correctly.


42874 Posts

Posted - 02/19/2020 :  01:00:34  
Well, how about another approach then, in the header.php just after the opening <head> tag add...
<?php echo '<base href="' . site_url('/') . '" />'; ?>

What is happening is that the pages sees a URL like a subdirectory so relative links to go
But the above code will indicate the correct location.


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Ecommerce Template Guru

1333 Posts

Posted - 02/19/2020 :  08:36:12  
That worked!

I'm curious why I had to add that line? I have dozens of WordPress sites and I've never encountered that problem before. Any explanation as to why?
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