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 Minimum order quantity by product not working
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Advanced Member

United Kingdom
434 Posts

Posted - 02/20/2020 :  15:25:16  
Hi, I have a few products for which I need to set a minimum order quantity of 6. After a bit of searching, I found how to do this via the 'quick entry' of the product admin.

What happens now is that if I add less than the required number of the product to the cart, a message displays on cart.php (not in the soft cart) saying 'The product xxxx has a minimum quantity of 6' BUT it does not stop me from adding it to the cart and then checking out.

Am I missing something? If I set a minimum order quantity, I would not expect to be able to receive an order of less than that quantity of the product.

I tried putting $minpurchasequantity=6; into includes.php as a test, of course this applied to all products which I don't want, but it did prevent me checking out with less than 6 items.

Any ideas please? This website is still in development so I'd prefer not to post a link, but can PM anyone who is able to take a look.

Thank you


42874 Posts

Posted - 02/21/2020 :  01:22:43  
Hi Ellen
You are correct and it's a bit of a bug I'm afraid. I've fixed it now and added the changes to the updater. You just need a new copy of the inccart.php script and that should sort this out.


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Advanced Member

United Kingdom
434 Posts

Posted - 02/21/2020 :  02:45:00  
Hi Vince, that's great thank you for the super quick fix! I'll get the updater done shortly.

Just another question following on from this. For most of the products in the store, we don't want the 'quantity' box, only on these few which have the minimum quantity. I was looking for a way to pick up which products have the quantity set, and display quantity box only for them, but I couldn't find a variable which would do this for me. I was thinking something like this in proddetail.php (my includes $detailpagelayout does not have 'quantity' in it)

<?php if ($pMinQuant > 1)
$detailpagelayout="navigation, checkoutbutton, productimage, productname, discounts, description, options, listprice, price, currency,quantity, addtocart, contentregion3, instock, socialmedia, previousnext";

} ?>

However $pMinQuant did not work, is there another variable I could use please?


Edited by - EllenD on 02/21/2020 02:55:00


42874 Posts

Posted - 02/21/2020 :  14:15:11  

Advanced Member

United Kingdom
434 Posts

Posted - 02/21/2020 :  14:52:38  
Hi Vince,

Is the fix already added to the updater? I just ran it but no difference, I can still add to cart & checkout with less than the minimum quantity. The warning message still appears on cart.php but checkout button is clickable anyway.

I also tried $rs['pMinQuant'] but that was only available after the <?php include "vsadmin/inc/incproddetail.php" ?> line, by which time I realised it was too late to influence the output of the proddetail page. Any other ideas that I could try here please?

Thanks for your help

Edited by - EllenD on 02/21/2020 14:53:31


42874 Posts

Posted - 02/22/2020 :  08:45:07  
Hi Ellen
The only file you need to fix the problem is the inccart.php file. Can you check that the modified date of that in the updater is Friday's date and that the date of that file on your server has been updated too. Yes, the fix should be there.


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Advanced Member

United Kingdom
434 Posts

Posted - 02/24/2020 :  03:32:22  
Hi Vince

Thank you my mistake - I had expected the checkout button to be hidden if below the minimum quantity, whereas the message only appears when I click the checkout button. No matter though, it serves the same function to prevent the order, so thank you very much for the fix.


Advanced Member

United Kingdom
434 Posts

Posted - 02/24/2020 :  04:03:12  
Just in case anyone else want to show the quantity box only on products with a minimum quantity set, I ended up with this solution.

includes.php - have 'quantity' in the list of items in $detailpagelayout

proddetail.php - hide quantity box with JavaScript if no minimum quantity is set

<?php include "vsadmin/inc/incproddetail.php" ?>
<?php if ($rs['pMinQuant'] == 0)
echo '<script type="text/javascript">',
'var elements = document.getElementsByClassName("detailquantity");',
'elements[0].className += " no_show";',
} ?>

In ectstyle.css or your stylesheet:


Edited by - EllenD on 02/24/2020 04:04:39

Advanced Member

United Kingdom
434 Posts

Posted - 02/24/2020 :  05:30:54  
One (hopefully!) final thing on this. I noticed that when cloning a product with a minimum quantity set, the minimum quantity does not get carried over to the new product. Could this be added please?
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