Posted - 02/21/2020 : 02:45:00
Hi Vince, that's great thank you for the super quick fix! I'll get the updater done shortly.
Just another question following on from this. For most of the products in the store, we don't want the 'quantity' box, only on these few which have the minimum quantity. I was looking for a way to pick up which products have the quantity set, and display quantity box only for them, but I couldn't find a variable which would do this for me. I was thinking something like this in proddetail.php (my includes $detailpagelayout does not have 'quantity' in it)
<?php if ($pMinQuant > 1) { $detailpagelayout="navigation, checkoutbutton, productimage, productname, discounts, description, options, listprice, price, currency,quantity, addtocart, contentregion3, instock, socialmedia, previousnext";
} ?>
However $pMinQuant did not work, is there another variable I could use please?
Thanks Ellen
Edited by - EllenD on 02/21/2020 02:55:00