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 Product Attributes found in manufacture section
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Terry Paulhus
Ecommerce Template Expert

573 Posts

Posted - 03/15/2020 :  20:37:18  
I have found a product attribute in my Manufacturer section. What happened there? And can I reverse that?

Terry (Redsei)


42874 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2020 :  01:12:14  
Hi Terry
Manufacturers are product attributes, they are just treated in a bit of a special way as they are normally the most used. But do you mean an attribute which isn't actually a manufacturer was found in the manufacturer group? I'm not sure how it happened but could it have been operator error? Can you create it again in the correct group?


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Terry Paulhus
Ecommerce Template Expert

573 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2020 :  06:51:15  
Well interesting enough.... I deleted the Prod Attributes group... and selection within the manufacturer said **undefined**.
I recreated it again... and sure enough, it would only be able to be populated in the manufacturer section not the product attributes section.

The group I created was this:

Group name: Orientation
Attributes 1: Horizontal and Attributes 2: Vertical

So I deleted this group again... came up with a new group name "direction". That worked... never could be selected from manufacturer option.

To note, when I was using the filter, everything looked right when using the DIMENSION term for group... but appeared in the manufacturer section

Terry (Redsei)

Terry Paulhus
Ecommerce Template Expert

573 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2020 :  05:53:15  
So everything working good... but when I create another product attribute with the name "Orientation", it continues to populate the manufacturer area.

Not sure what's going on there but I have moved on.

Terry (Redsei)


42874 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2020 :  06:08:52  
Hi Terry
The only difference between a manufacturer and any of the other attributes is that the manufacturer has a group id of zero. It would be really strange if one could "jump" a group as after creation and adding to a group that is never changed. But if things are working now, keep an eye and if anything happens again we can send in the cavalry.


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ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2020 :  06:27:22  
Hi Terry,
As a rule I don't populate the manufacturer group if I'm using a side filter simply because of the way it works.

So if you're adding new attributes either add them to an existing group or create a new group, but don't add any to the manufacturer group because you can't exclude that group from the side filter choices in main settings. It would be nice if you could though

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Terry Paulhus
Ecommerce Template Expert

573 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2020 :  06:54:06  
Yes Vince, come to think of it, the number was a "0" for the Orientation... so I may have accidentally just replaced text in that group.

So... on that note I have made a couple more groups, all of which are higher than the last number... there is no more "0". If I was ever to do a manufacturing one... how would I specify the Manufacturer group?

Terry (Redsei)

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2020 :  07:01:20  
Hi Terry
If I was ever to do a manufacturing one... how would I specify the Manufacturer group?

Are you saying you've deleted the manufacturer group instead of just the attributes within the group? If that's the case I suppose you would have to recreate the group using phpmyadmin by manually setting the ID to zero unless the updatestore.php script creates it if it doesn't exist

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Edited by - Phil on 03/17/2020 07:02:49

Terry Paulhus
Ecommerce Template Expert

573 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2020 :  07:03:21  
Right-well I guess I'll cross that bridge when I have to... [groan]

Terry (Redsei)

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2020 :  07:29:02  
but don't add any to the manufacturer group because you can't exclude that group from the side filter choices in main settings. It would be nice if you could though

Somehow I did it. I think maybe with css though. I'll have to check.



42874 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2020 :  07:35:17  
The Manufacturer group can be anything, but as it's optimized you really want to use that group for the most common / used attribute you have. Kind of like your principal attribute.


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ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2020 :  07:50:45  
Somehow I did it. I think maybe with css though. I'll have to check.

I hid it with css when I was using the drop down filters, one reason is because it doesn't function the same as the attributes, and sometimes you just don't want to filter by manufacturer.

I think it was something like #scri1.prodfilter{display:none;}

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ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2020 :  07:52:20  
The Manufacturer group can be anything

I thought it was always assigned to group id zero?

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ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2020 :  08:03:53  
Hi Phil, I just checked and for the top filter, it is
#scri1 {
display: none;

and for the side filter it's
#ectpatgrp0 {
display: none;

That works for me.
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