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Ecommerce Template Expert

890 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2020 :  14:37:31  
I just updated to 7.2.0. That is the only change I have made. Now There are some issues with the checkout css and coding. Can you look into this and let me know what you think?

onclick="document.getElementById('shipdiff').value=document.getElementById('shipdiff').value=='1'?'':'1';checkoutspan('s');showshipform(2,document.getElementById('scountry'))" /> is showing in text format on the checkout #2

div.billformrow, div.shipformrow, div.nohidebillrow, div.checkoutadds2col, div.billformrowflags, div.copayradio1 ---- display:flex creates misalignment of the terms and conditions, country, and newsletter elements. If I change it to block, it appears correctly.

The alignment of the social media buttons on the product detail pages are now off depending on screen size (they were aligned very nicely prior to update)

My ask a question and email a friend images are now not appearing.

There are a few other css errors, not sure why it would overwrite what I had in place unless identifiers have been changed.

Your help is much appreciated.

When it gets late at night, go to bed... try again tomorrow.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2020 :  14:41:11  
Hi, first, make sure you also updated the css and js files that came with the update package.
Next, with the css, be sure to do a hard refresh so you have the new css.

Yes, there were class name changes, so if you have some old custom css in your css file, you will probably want to remove that and apply any new (desired) customizations.


Edited by - dbdave on 03/23/2020 14:41:24

Ecommerce Template Expert

890 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2020 :  14:52:27  
All files were updated, browser refresh was completed... all errors still present

which classes were removed? which are new?

The display: flex is causing issues on many pages. returning to display: block works. However, I do not want to fight with future updates and would rather fix within my site. I cannot update clients websites until this is resolved :/

When it gets late at night, go to bed... try again tomorrow.

Ecommerce Template Expert

890 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2020 :  15:04:12  
I am going to need the css and troubleshooting skills of others on this one. The new update through a lot of things out of alignment. Code is showing where it shouldnt be showing, that would have nothing to do with any css that I have placed into the site.

When it gets late at night, go to bed... try again tomorrow.

Ecommerce Template Expert

890 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2020 :  16:43:36  
I am really needing some assistance. The site is not rendering any PHP now. I have only been making changes to the CSS file. and wording in the includes file.

When it gets late at night, go to bed... try again tomorrow.

Ecommerce Template Expert

890 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2020 :  19:55:27  
Reloaded the files, site renderring php, however the other issues persist. Alignment issues using display:flex appears to be throwing most of it off. Had to pull a few elements off of flex and back onto block. Deleted my css files to check, problem persisted. I havent checked all pages or site functions yet. Some check boxes so small they could be an ant on the screen, or a pixel out. I do not have any css applied to the check boxes. Alignment of social media buttons is way off, will require additional css to fix that. Is there something I am missing?

When it gets late at night, go to bed... try again tomorrow.


42874 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2020 :  03:22:33  
Hi Drivers
Sorry to see you are having problems but can you send the site FTP login to my email (vince AT ecommercetemplates DOT com) and I'll see what is up.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

890 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2020 :  14:34:14  
Vince, I sent an email to you using the link from your name in the forum. To all others reading this post, the "errors" were from waiting too long in between updates. There were a ton of changes from where I was to where I am now. Ids were changed, css was changed, features were added, options were added, etc. Due to this, I needed to go through my CSS file and remove useless entries, change ids on some entries, and adapt to the changes made. The site is now working correctly, and updating other sites will be smooth running. There are a few small tweaks that arent currently correct (sizes of check boxes), however it is not an issue with the 7.2 version. Although, I would like an option to increase checkbox sizes or instructions on the best way to do so.

When it gets late at night, go to bed... try again tomorrow.


42874 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2020 :  01:46:15  
Hi Drivers
I got the message that you had things sorted and that's great to hear. However, it seems that one of the changes you made was to force display:block for some of the checkout elements but yes, this could cause problems and shouldn't be necessary. What is most likely the problem is that some other setting in the style sheet is having a "knock on" effect and causing problems and fixing that is probably the best way to go rather than overriding the layout set by the ectcart.css file. Are you able to set up a test site in a subdirectory without those changes? If I can get a look at that, I may well be able to let you know a better change.

One other point is that there are two releases, the v7.1 "Stability" release and the v7.2 "Advanced" release. We only add security and important bug fixes to the Stability Release so if as you say it's such a long time since you last updated, maybe the Stability Release would have been a better choice.


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