I updated to v7.1.8 last week and v7.1.9 today and have some issues now. The "Log into Account" button doesn't work anymore and some customers haven't been able to add things to their cart. It just spins and hangs. I had the same problem myself on my I-pad but was able to add to cart from my laptop an hour later. I did upload the js and css ectcart files when I uploaded the updatestore file. Any thoughts on what to check?
Hi Mark Is it possible you don't have this parameter in your includes.asp file... enableclientlogin=TRUE Without that the function that handles the login isn't generated and this is what seems to be happening on your site. I admit it should probably handle this better (say by warning this is the case) and I'll look at that now, but I think this should get you going.
Thanks Vince. I added the line and that seems to be working now.
I still have the cart issue though. I tried adding to my cart from my android phone and I-pad this morning and both just hung and spun. I could add to cart from my Windows 10 laptop. I only have about a dozen products on the site and I notice sometimes it takes 20 secs or more just to change between products now but I figured that was because 1/2 or the world may be home and online at the same time.
I went back and checked and not all the files in the folders from the update were transferred. I uploaded everything that didn't transfer except the custompayproc folder and my phone and tablet were able to add to cart.
When you get the message "all files updated correctly" or whatever it says when you run /updatestore.asp , should that include all the folders in the update? I never check because things have always worked so I just thought whatever files needed to update were programmed to do so and the others weren't needed.
Hi Mark When you run the updatestore.asp script it is only referring to the database update. Copying the files is done separately and I'm glad to see you got everything copied correctly in the end.