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Ecommerce Template Guru

United Kingdom
1022 Posts

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Posted - 04/09/2020 :  07:16:37  
Is there any setting (presumeably cookies) to determine how long an item stays in someone's cart?

We are having a few stock issues where we have set stock to zero but then a customer still manages to order because it was already in their cart.



ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2020 :  07:50:12  
Hi Steve, right in your admin "main settings" - go to Order Management


Ecommerce Template Guru

United Kingdom
1022 Posts

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Posted - 04/09/2020 :  08:14:31  
Can't believe I never noticed that before...

Many thanks

Ecommerce Template Guru

United Kingdom
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Posted - 04/09/2020 :  23:20:27  
I’ve now set the max time to 1 day.

However, there is a separate option for logged in customers where the minimum is 2 weeks and I suspect this is what is causing us problems.

Is there any workaround to reduce this as 2 weeks is a very long time for stock.
In the current situation we are never quite sure when/if stock will be arriving so accurate stock management is becoming increasingly important. Having it possibly retained in a basket for 2 weeks is not helpful at the moment.

I’m happy to edit the code temporarily if someone can identify where this is set.



ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 04/10/2020 :  00:52:36  
Hi Steve,
Untested but....
Line 961 of vsadmin/inc/incmain.php try changing the following to make the first option of 2 weeks to 2 days

<option value="14" <?php if((int)$rsAdmin['adminClearCart']==14) print 'selected="selected"'?>>2 <?php print $yyWeeks?></option>
<option value="2" <?php if((int)$rsAdmin['adminClearCart']==2) print 'selected="selected"'?>>2 Days</option>

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Edited by - Phil on 04/10/2020 00:53:11

Ecommerce Template Guru

United Kingdom
1022 Posts

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Posted - 04/10/2020 :  01:15:27  
Thanks very much for this Phil.

Appreciate it’s untested but I’ll give it a shot this morning.
It’ll only be a temporary change during the present problems.




42874 Posts

Posted - 04/10/2020 :  02:40:53  
Is there any workaround to reduce this as 2 weeks is a very long time for stock.
Just adding to cart won't affect stock. If they add to cart and get as far as the payment processor, but don't pay, then these will create unconfirmed orders which is handled by the "Delete uncompleted orders" and which can be set to 1, 2, 3, 4 days etc. I really don't think you want to remove cart items so quickly as so many customers come back two or three times adding items to cart before finally checking out.


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Ecommerce Template Guru

United Kingdom
1022 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 04/10/2020 :  07:28:48  
Hi Vince,

Thanks for clarifying - good to know that adding a product to the cart does not in itself affect stock levels. Perhaps I have misunderstood what’s been happening.
We’ve been very careful recently to regularly ensure stock levels are correct and up to date.
We have one particular item available in various options that’s been selling in large numbers but we’re finding that even when an option is put out of stock we were still getting the occasional customer managing to order a few days later. I am trying to understand how that is possible. The only thing I could think of was customers retaining items in their baskets but not checking out for one reason or another. We already had incomplete orders deleting after 2 days and had reduced that to 1. The only other thing I could think of was logged in customers having a minimum of 2 weeks to retain products in their basket.
None of this is usually an issue under normal circumstances but recent events have dramatically increased demand for particular products.
I’m really not a fan of directly changing code, not least because I recognise my own limitations in meddling with things that I don’t necessarily fully understand (!) - just looking to address our stock control as accurately as possible.

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