ECT Moderator
10450 Posts |
Posted - 02/27/2021 : 06:32:01
Hi Vincent, I checked that site and looked up a product. The description was " Snaps Mix bottles are for making your own snaps or akvavit. Directions on how to make the snaps are on the bottle. Only 24 hours is needed to cure the herbs in vodka and to make ready-to-drink snaps / akvavit. Vodka not included. Each bottle makes 12.5 oz. Ingredients: Demerara sugar, caraway seeds, coriander, anise, orange peel. " and I do not see that in the cart anywhere...
Perhaps you are talking about something else besides the product description, which typically goes into fine detail about the product.
The same with the whole categories and sub-categories terminology. Can you show a product detail page on your site, and then the page you want to go to from there, so we can better understand what you are asking?
Edited by - dbdave on 02/27/2021 06:33:51
Advanced Member
103 Posts |
Posted - 02/28/2021 : 01:11:42
Ok I am on this page http://www.giftconnections.net/proddetail.php?prod=6057
and want to return to this page
I tried to put a screenshot up but couldn't do it hope the url gives you the info you need to get me the code for the previous / next line on the detail page if i can't get the description in the cart can i at least get a picture of the item purchase or added to the cart?
Vincent Tumeo
Ecommerce Template Guru
1916 Posts |
Posted - 02/28/2021 : 06:02:25
quote: if i can't get the description in the cart can i at least get a picture of the item purchase or added to the cart?
Add $useimageincart=TRUE; to your includes.php file. MarshallCENLYT Productions - ms designs Affordable Web Design Custom Ecommerce Designs Responsive Websites Cenlyt.com
ECT Moderator
10450 Posts |
Posted - 02/28/2021 : 07:21:25
Hi Vincent, being that the product http://www.giftconnections.net/proddetail.php?prod=6057 is in the category of http://www.giftconnections.net/products.php?cat=108 the breadcrumb link is exactly what that is for. So the customer can get back to the category (product) page.
Thanks, David
Advanced Member
103 Posts |
Posted - 02/28/2021 : 13:05:49
That bread crumb went all the to all the products not just the sub category. I need a link that will for to the page that has the products for just the sub category the customer is browsing .example. A customer is browsing category 58 and is on product 3754 and decides rather than go to the nex product he/she want to go back to the page that has all the products for ct 58. not the page that has ALL the products. I tried to link with ths code http://www.giftconnections.net/products.php?cat=? but "as you roll on the floor lol at my stupidity" it did not work. I am ready to go live with this but need this tweak to make my client happy
Vincent Tumeo
ECT Moderator
10450 Posts |
Posted - 02/28/2021 : 14:06:01
So maybe you want the breadcrumb on the product detail pages and not the product (and category) pages. Because from the product detail page, the last link in the breadcrumb will take you exactly where you describe. As an example, lets take a look at the demo store. Here is the product detail page - http://www.ectdemostore.com/proddetail.php?prod=pc001That product is in the desktop pcs category and clicking the last link in the breadcrumb takes you exactly there - http://www.ectdemostore.com/products.php?cat=Desktop+PCs Would that work for you? David
Edited by - dbdave on 02/28/2021 14:09:09
Advanced Member
103 Posts |
Posted - 03/01/2021 : 01:34:40
yes I think it would. However i do not know how to code it
Vincent Tumeo
42831 Posts |
Posted - 03/02/2021 : 09:36:46
Advanced Member
103 Posts |
Posted - 03/03/2021 : 03:31:32
I added navigation to the list it now reads
However, i have now breadcrumbs as i wanted actuall there was no change at al to he detail page
Vincent Tumeo
Advanced Member
103 Posts |
Posted - 03/04/2021 : 01:52:59
Adding "Navigation" to the string did not work. What did I do wrong?
Vincent Tumeo
Advanced Member
103 Posts |
Posted - 03/04/2021 : 02:03:31
My client is insisting on having the product description in the cart. You have said it is not possible that it is nowhere else. However I have personally seen descriptions in the cart. I do not know enough about coding to do it myself. So if you you tell me where to go to learn coding or give me the code and tell me where to put it i can do that. To see the description in a cart go to
the description is very clear. Please help me please my client.
Vincent Tumeo
ECT Moderator
10450 Posts |
Posted - 03/04/2021 : 07:18:40
Perhaps you are confusing the product name with the product description, no?
Product name - Blue widget 12" x 12"
Product description - This blue widget is the best. It can be used just like all other widgets. It's 12" x 12" and we offer it in many colors. This widget is also available in other sizes. Made in USA. Our widgets are handmade and on and on and on... This is a sometimes very long description and can go on and on for many paragraphs...
Looking at the link you sent, I see a product name on the cart, but not a product description, which can be very long.. Having looked at the site you are working on, I don't see any product descriptions for your products either, so there would be no way to show them if they do not exist. Can you clarify what you want to show in your cart, because I don't think it's the product description you are wanting to show.
Advanced Member
103 Posts |
Posted - 03/05/2021 : 06:21:39
Ok Is what i have listed as "description" actually the product name if so how do I get that to the cart. Do change the name of ALL my products. or can you figure another way to get it done example product 86611 I have a description on the detail page."Towel, Norway symbols". is that actually the product name
Vincent Tumeo
ECT Moderator
65937 Posts |
Posted - 03/05/2021 : 09:32:36
Hi Vincent, these are the fields on the cart page. If your client wants both the image and the product ID it not possible, its also not a feature to show the product description in the main cart. Details - shows image or product ID its either or but not both Name - shows item name Unit Price - Price Quant. - quantity Total Dave is correct descriptions can be to long to display on a cart page, they should be on the product or detail page. They can be shown in the quickbuy layout but not the main cart. quickbuylayout="productimage, productname, productid, sku, manufacturer, discounts, dateadded, reviewstars, instock, description, listprice, price, currency, quantity,addtocart,detaillink" https://www.ecommercetemplates.com/help/css-layouts.asp#quickbuy Winners never quit, quitters never win CSS and Responsive DesignsUser Manual for Ecommerce Templates
Edited by - Sinbad on 03/05/2021 09:33:29
Advanced Member
103 Posts |
Posted - 03/06/2021 : 06:31:09
we now have the "Description" problem resolved. Wat i nee now is to get the breadcrumbs back. When I added navigation the string nothing changed on the product detail page. I must have done something wrong somewhere , Please tell me how to the bread crumbs back.
Vincent Tumeo
ECT Moderator
10450 Posts |
Posted - 03/06/2021 : 09:14:34
Earlier in this thread, I had suggested that you hide the breadcrumb with an addition to your css
div.prodnavigation {display: none;}
If you placed that in your css file, you should now remove it. If you need to show the breadcrumb on the details page, and don't want it on the product, or category page, that is possible.
Advanced Member
103 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2021 : 13:51:30
I removed the div.prodnavigation {display: none;} however, I still do not have breadcrumbs. What do I do now? I also added navigation to the string on the incluce page
Vincent Tumeo
Advanced Member
103 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2021 : 13:56:51
Instead of breadcrumbs I get 3416 3416 UNKNOWN LAYOUT OPTION:navigation
Vincent Tumeo
ECT Moderator
10450 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2021 : 14:07:18
Can you paste the line where you have added that?
Advanced Member
103 Posts |
Posted - 03/10/2021 : 02:45:02
$GLOBALS['detailpagelayout']='navigation,productimage,productname,description,custom1,quantitypricing,listprice,price,currency,options,quantity,addtocart,previousnext,'; Since the site is now live I removed it until we get it correct. The line above is what I had when I received the unknown layout option. If you need to see the pages I can email you the username and password
Vincent Tumeo