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 Customer download file link after invoice
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Terry Paulhus
Ecommerce Template Expert

573 Posts

Posted - 06/07/2020 :  18:59:17  

I have customers that require an invoice procedure. After the job is done, I'd like to be able to post a link with the final .zip file AFTER and ONLY AFTER they pay off the invoice on the account.

Is there a way to do this?

Terry (Redsei)

Edited by - Terry Paulhus on 06/07/2020 20:00:41

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 06/07/2020 :  20:13:41  
Hi Terry,
In the past, we were constantly asked for a receipt that showed paid. Some customers insisted it be marked paid, even though they could just write paid on it just the same as us..
Some pointed out that it does not show a zero balance...

What I did was create a simple mod where once the order is moved to authorized status, it will automatically show some extra text on the receipts the customers get from their client accounts and the order status page. It shows a few extra lines - Balance $0.00 and Paid in Full...

Now, we almost never get these requests from customers. Our email receipts actually have a link "Need a paid receipt?"....

I am on .asp, but I could probably work out the changes for .php, but it would be a few edits to the core files, so I am not sure your up for that. It's also not "exactly" what you are asking for. But I like to let the customers help themselves to these things as needed.

If you want to see my how mine works, I can show you a demo.


Terry Paulhus
Ecommerce Template Expert

573 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2020 :  10:32:04  
Thanks for the reply David... however I may have explained it wrong.

I have customers that go to my store, order what they want. They select an INVOICE option as they do not want to pay until the work completed. When completed, I want them to log back in and see that the order is waiting payment. When they pay up, the customer link allows them to download the final files I have done.

Terry (Redsei)

Ecommerce Template Guru

1916 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2020 :  10:42:47  
Check out this thread

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Terry Paulhus
Ecommerce Template Expert

573 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2020 :  20:38:05  
Hey Marshall, while this is an interesting alternative I don't see it being acted on by some clients... the key is that they will want these files.

Maybe if this is not something that can actually happen... is there a way to force a download link to their account AFTER they have clicked on the order as an invoice payment?


Customer orders the work to be done. They select INVOICE.
I create the work. When completed I can add a download link to the order.
They want their files so they venture into their account and go into the order.
They select to pay.
Followed by a notice of a download link available for 5 or so days.

Is that possible? I may be asking too much....

Terry (Redsei)


42874 Posts

Posted - 06/09/2020 :  03:26:02  
Hi Terry
How about if you edit the order to just add a downloadable product to the products they have ordered?


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Terry Paulhus
Ecommerce Template Expert

573 Posts

Posted - 06/09/2020 :  05:10:39  
So as they order, they select INVOICE as a payment option.

I do the work, then when done I can ADD a downloadable file?

Is there instructions how to do that afterwards to the order?

Terry (Redsei)


42874 Posts

Posted - 06/10/2020 :  01:43:25  
Hi Terry
I was thinking of adding a product line to the order of a product which had a download. But thinking about it, all the downloads would then have to be the same unless you created a new product for each order. But then how about creating a directory (make sure it is not browseable) say...
...and when you've finished the work add it to that directory, say...
Then add that location to the status of the order
The completed job can be downloaded at...
And in the order status email, add ...


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Terry Paulhus
Ecommerce Template Expert

573 Posts

Posted - 06/11/2020 :  18:48:38  
Thanks Vince,

so just to make sure I have it right....

I edit the invoice and in the order status I put the link?

When I received the email status update (attached)... the link wasn't there... is that because I need the %xxxxx% code somewhere to display that?

Terry (Redsei)

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 06/11/2020 :  21:09:57  
Hi Terry, I believe what Vince was saying is that you can put that in the order status and the customer will get the link, but you need to make sure the order status info you have entered shows in the status update email.
To do that, you go in your admin and edit the order status email setup and make sure you add this %statusinfo%

Once you add that, anything you have entered in the order status field will show in the order status update.
NOTE - Private order status will never show to a customer under any circumstances.

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