I am working on my first ECT site and have run into a few problems.
Background: The new ECT site uses a temporary url. The temp url is hosted with the same company that has been hosting my current live site. The ECT site will ultimately replace the current live site.
Any help would with the questions below would be greatly appreciated!
Question 1: Will I be able to test this temp site? Currently I receive a “PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR” error message when attempting to checkout using the stock product data.
Question 2: While I am testing the new ECT temp site (assuming I can test this site) can orders be placed without selecting a payment provider? I currently accept payments at my live site through my merchant bank account and through my PayPal Business account. My live site is very old and does not process credit card payments electronically – I enter the CC data manually (No, it doesn’t take a lot of time to do this as I do not get any orders these days!). PayPal payments are received directly at my PayPal account.
Question 3: If I must select some manner of electronic payment the PayPal API setup seems fairly straight forward but I am afraid that by integrating it with the temp site I may disable it from my current site live site. So the question is can I can use my API Signature with more than one site?
Question 4: I have a Comodo Pro SSL certificate. It cost a fortune and I am not certain it is a multi-domain certificate so I have put that question to my host. In the mean time do I need an installed certificate for testing purpose?
Hi Toby, welcome. Q1 - Yes, you should be able to test all functionality. Most folk place the test site in a sub-folder. Q2 - You can enable "email" as a payment provider to test checkout without making a payment. Q3 - Paypal works great with ECT, so I think that should all be fine. Q4 - You can test without an SSL, but if you have an SSL on your main site, it should cover the test site if it's in a subfolder of your working site.
Please post back with any more questions. I think you'll find some great folks here willing to help.
I think I have everything set up properly but I am still unable to place an order - still receiving the “PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR" (Secure Connection Failed)
Hi Toby, is this with the "email" payment provider enabled and selected in checkout? Be sure in the admin "main settings" you have set the URL for the store, and it should be set without the https, even in the SSL space for the store URL. That is until you secure the store with an SSL.
Yes, email is enabled. Now here is an interesting development: I have an ASP/Windows plan with Hostgator and I just uploaded the site there. It works just fine! So I suspect the secure connection issue may have something to do with the temp url. With that in mind I have created a sub domain on my live site and will upload and test there.
You may ask, "well, why no just run with Hostgator!!??" I might. It is certainly far less expensive than the host I have used for many years but the tech support my current host provides is nearly instantaneous and it has always been helpful. So time will tell what I decide.
Thanks for keeping in touch and continuing to help.