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 Tracking numbers bug on client login page
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Advanced Member

165 Posts

Posted - 09/02/2020 :  10:31:40  
On clientlogin.asp, there's a section where you can view your order history. There's a function getcarrierfromtrack() that get's called to generate a link at which you can track the shipment. That function looks like it does some kind of matching to determine who the carrier is based on the format of the tracking number.

For us it seems to not quite function correctly. We've in the past shipped an order to Switzerland via USPS, and were given the tracking number LM985319605US. If I plug this into the USPS website, it correctly gives me info indicating it was delivered in Switzerland, but this getcarrierfromtrack() function matches this number to Canada Post, generating a link to what I think must be a completely different package.

We're hoping that future cart updates can have a more accurate way of figuring this out.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 09/02/2020 :  11:17:11  
Hi, how old is the tracking number. USPS will reuse those numbers in short order (just a few months).


Advanced Member

165 Posts

Posted - 09/02/2020 :  11:26:07  
This one was from Aug 20

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 09/02/2020 :  11:37:10  
Hi, so sorry, but I didn't read the original post too well and now I understand what you're saying.
When that was developed, ect asked folks to send in sample tracking numbers and I suppose it's possible that Canada post uses a similar format to it's numbers as USPS.

I did try that at my website and it does want to use Canada post for that.
You might want to put a post in the suggestions forum to see if that could be improved.

You could also point your links to the USPS website instead of your website tracking tool. unless you are using multiple carriers.

Some time back we started using ship station and we use their emails to alert customers of shipments and they provide tracking links automatically, so that has been a good solution for us.


Edited by - dbdave on 09/02/2020 11:37:47

Advanced Member

165 Posts

Posted - 09/02/2020 :  11:48:05  
Gotcha, I'll post it there. We actually recently stopped shipping internationally with the USPS due to the pandemic so it doesn't so much affect us, more just wanted to let someone know here so they can update that pattern matching.


42874 Posts

Posted - 09/02/2020 :  12:12:20  
And thanks for letting us know, Dermontti. I've fixed this now and updated the incfunctions.asp file in the updater where the getcarrierfromtrack() function is defined.


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Advanced Member

165 Posts

Posted - 09/03/2020 :  05:53:40  
Awesome, thank you Vince!
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