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 lost left nav links with update to v7.2.4
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Posted - 10/28/2020 :  12:32:33  
I updated to v7.2.4 and have had several problems.
I now have it working but lost all the links from my left hand manufacturers links.
Spent a lot of time trying to go back to previous version and then had shopping cart issue and I accidentally deleted all my product images now that once everything else is working I will have to add back in.
What can be done as I have even recopied the updater and reloaded everything.


42874 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2020 :  13:35:06  
Hi there
Sorry to hear that you are having problems, but get a new copy of the v7.2.4 updater and apply fully. Get a new copy as there is a fix for a problem that might help but if it doesn't solve the problem, please send the site FTP login details to my email vince AT ecommercetemplates DOT com along with one of the problem links.


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42874 Posts

Posted - 10/29/2020 :  01:16:52  
Hi remotes4less
I've sorted out the problem with the categories and it was to do with the fact that you had the system set up to use the category name for categories, but were using the category id in the navigation menus. Part of the idea of the update is to reduce the duplication of content so Google doesn't penalize you, so if you were using category names the category id would no longer display. However I appreciate that to suddenly stop displaying categories after an update isn't the way to go so they are displaying again and I'll add some code later to forward from the incorrect category id to the correct category name form of the URL which would be a more elegant solution maybe.

While I was there I made some changes to the CSS so that the category names don't overflow their borders and hopefully the category pages look better. Also on the product pages I've adjusted the widths so they fit the screen better. If for any reason you don't like the changes I've backed up the style sheet as style.bak.css


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